Sunday, May 29, 2022

Will wait for time it takes to build material things. Has plenty of patience for that

Used to having bodily / physical needs met too fast

 won't wait

not willing to wait for bodily needs or responses from people

Will not admit fear that he is afraid scared to f*&&&king death of anything

Projects his own behavior onto me

Calls me a troublemaker when I call him on the carpet repeating to him his own behavior and actions

Quickly disposes of me then later acts pretends like he loves wants and needs me

 constant cycle of





confusion generating

Sneaks around watches other closely montoring their activities

Double standards exist

 Does whatever he wants

and i am not to do what he thinks I should not do 

drinks beer >>> I am NOT to do this

drinks mixed drinks

eats lots of junk sweets chips cookies cake snacks

spends money on all kind of stuff and probably a bunch of things I know nothing about

hides things

locks away mystery items in file cabinet


stores things at other people's property and houses and land

Justifies any behavior by saying it is normal and not abnormal for him to do it

Looks for what is popular "famous" is word choice to decide what to eat get do

Tells me everything costs money : can't enjoy free stuff like beautiful nature or weather

Will buy things like a vehicle and parts and do repairs on car/van for me then reminds me constantly how much it costs

Does not want to buy things for me like clothes adornments jewelry

Spends money any amount small or large on things he wants/needs and gets upset when I want need a thing and or buy it

How much did that cost? How much do you think that cost? First questions about anything

Attempts to induce guilt in me when I am doing a thing that makes me feel good

Causes big fight prior to or during activities that are supposed to be fun and pleasant

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Pre made processed food pre seasoned prepped prepared items preferred


al steak sauce

gates extra hot and original barbecue sauce

betty crocker or store brand hamburger helper meal kit

meal kit kits



taco bell

burger king

church's chicken

prefers to buy whole meal deals including the side dishes which are very expensive


tea bottled off brand aldis like lipton green tea with added high fructose corn syrup

fails to see the good of most things people pets animals

Does not celebrate anything

Thinks he can determine who deserves what

Weather obsessed

Does something then complains about it. Accuses me of complaining when he does it

Tries to think for everyone else: the world

 thinks he knows what the world and all people should do

Whines complains about life mostly every thing things

 cost of anything

having to do anything

buy some thing

gas gasoline cost

food shelter transportation car parts clothing 

doing a thing for anyone and especially not getting paid money for doing it

even when paid complains did not make earn enough money

feels shorted slighted ripped off getting short end of stick on things


school tax why pay for that he has no children

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Frustrated easily. Short fuse. loses temper.. impatient

believes he is provoked by me or someone else and justifies his anger lashing out vengefulness

it's someone else's fault when anything is not right or goes wrong or a mistake is made or an accident happens

there is nothing wrong with him in his eyes view belief thought process

every person needs to be fixed .. there is something wrong with each one

chronically angry pissed off agitated mad about what other people do .. not introspective

ready to go to civil war over this political issue

said you are a troublemaker because i printed signs of being politically brainwashed

 said you are a troublemaker because i printed

signs of being politically brainwashed and said he will not read the article i printed from
psychology today because he knows the truth and is not brainwashed

sometimes i think i'd be better off by myself

Monday, May 9, 2022

Conditional "love" narcissist

says people make up excuses for any thing

 can't understand there is a REASON for everything 

expects sympathy/empathy and doesn't give it

 because they "can't understand why"

afraid of being wrong, found out, making a mistake

looks to public strangers media what is popular/famous to make decisions

acts obscene and ass hole behind closed doors in private

does NOT want to hear what you have to say, what you think or want (regarding partner spouse mate or immediate family member)

breaks your concentration so you can't focus

 and becomes irate if you break his her focus

not allowed your individuality


master slave believes mastery slavery

owns you: thinks/believes he /she owns you and your soul 

so he can dictate what you should do

conditional love

 if i do what he she wants thinks i should do then they will "love" me

believes YOU don't or people a person doesn't DESERVE that : anything nice pleasant money things ease comfort luxury

 however they deserve it all

because they

work hard HARDER

work their ass off

break their balls and back to get any and every thing

nothing is ever easy

 says this often

talks about how hard life is and work your ass off

likes to catch me or people off guard with irrelevant questions while I or they are doing something else esp if it is joyful or relaxing

 like as in 

 meal time is one of the favorite times to cause 

upsetting disturbances 






meal time is one of the favorite times to cause upsetting disturbances complaints whining bitching accusing threatening

relaxing meal or dinner : does not prefer or like or do

gets up and goes right back to work or whatever immediately after a meal

eats while working and/ or standing frequently

what he says thinks wants does is the most important and only thing i SHOULD do

it's all making sense now looking back with my memories of behavior patterns of narcs

headphones earphones on ears likes to wear but I can't wear them

traits characteristics behaviors mammon mars martian


follows news esp. bad corrupt hate

doesn't know what to do with self so he

pays attn to outside : weather, others to determine what to do

trivia qs

easily triggered, angers gets mad fast quick when sees smells hears anything does not like or understand

keeps house closed up windows doors shut according to

temperature/weather because it costs money to heat cool the place house home indoors

attributes benefits to the self / ego/ how smart he is

("if it weren't for me then you or we wouldn't have this or that")

believes has to bust ass work hard to get anything

He asks questions to : "test" my intelligence, stir up a fight

 he asks questions to 

stir up an argument/fight

questions that usually have too many variables to be able to answer accurately

that don't have a definitive answer

to "test" my intelligence

knows trivia and details of things but not how to be joyful/happy

questions that often cannot be answered 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Constantly aware focused on what others are doing

Windows : thinks people can see in even though solid cover is over the area

 absolute panic results in him if he thinks a person can see

through any window/door opening at any time and

especially at night if there is a light on


maybe he was or is a peeper

peeping tom 



said "can't help but LOOK"

Says " I can't resist " frequently



junk sweets meat chips snacks veggies fruit 

virtually any item that appears edible and in good shape

MY body 

what I am wearing (or NOT) is EVERYTHING

any skimpy outfit, apron maid swimsuit, underwear, bra, panties

jeans pants hose stockings tights (any type of tight clothing)

fishnet/holes in stockings especially incite/"provoke"

MOVEMENT of my body (or ANY Body such as in videos or in person

any where )

Doesn't seem to understand HE is/has ability to control him self/ the self

Fingers and hands grabs touches what he sees lack of control

 seen: food anywhere, grabs it sticks in mouth thoughtlessly

comb in my back pocket; grabs it pulls it out of my pocket 

every time even though i repeatedly told him for years NOT to do this

virtually any item, thing, object around I have seen him

uncontrollably grab, stick fingers in whatever it is without any 

apparent caution or thought about this activity

Believes things/people out to TAKE your/his money

 not admiting it is HIS choice each time

Man /men with money in wallet