Thursday, July 21, 2022

spoil sport self righteous haughty arrogant

assumes others are idiots stupid and cant think or do for themselves

 and other dont know what they want

they have to be told

Smoking usually makes them mad at others esp the more nonsocial they become

is jealous of others inflicts misery upon happy people if they are feeling jealous and crappy crabby

tells self will be happy later when such a thing happens

joy in the moment like in infancy childhood is almost nonexistent

one slip of shit out the mouth destroys past good deeds and words

 they don't seem to realize this truth

seeks things outside of self; thinks this will make them happy

covets others things and money and anything nice looking about them

complains about money . has restricted views about having getting money

observes not participates in fun

whines about life not being fair

 he/she got sucked down the drain into bs media crap

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

 dense obtuse slow

reactive instantly angry explosive


not sorry

can't see self as he / she is

inflexible unchangeable

lacks understanding 



Saturday, July 9, 2022

Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth : Looks like Mr Innocent to the public't+melt+in+his+mouth

"It would be no description of Mr Pecksniff's gentleness of manner to adopt the common parlance, and say that he looked at this moment as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. He rather looked as if any quantity of butter might have been made out of him, by churning the milk of human kindness, as it spouted upwards from his heart."

What's the origin of the phrase 'Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth'?

The allusion in this expression is to people who maintain such a cool demean or that they don't even have the warmth to melt butter. This is an old phrase - here's a citation from 1530, in Jehan Palsgrave's Lesclarcissement de la langue françoyse:

"He maketh as thoughe butter wolde nat melte in his mouthe.



Spends lots of money on electronics

 stereo equipment, electronics, dvd players/recorders, headphones, televisions, reel players, car audio stereo, speakers,