Monday, December 26, 2022

Looks away from me at home and in public. Looks at other people constantly. Outside things and objects.

 avoids my eyes in private and public

Walks several feet ahead of me when we are walking anywhere, inside or outside

How much do you think that cost? Asks me often frequently about almost anything and I am usually close to right on the price.

 Views someone as intelligent who memorizes a bunch of useless facts and trivia

Blows a gasket if he/she spills or drops something: water, drink, food, any item

Calls me a troublemaker when I point out what he said and does

Eats out of habit nervousness without thought thinking about what is eating. Sees any kind of food lying around and eats it.

Eats out of habit nervousness without thought thinking about what is eating. Sees any kind of food lying around and eats it. 

refers to lots of females as "that woman" (IF she is an old ugly fat undesirable for sex person) and takes no interest in remembering her name

Money and material things.. mammon is the God of choice.

Lacks appreciation, respect, love, admiration, recognition for any being known personally.

Explosive violent temper. Causes: anything heard, seen, smelled, felt, sensed that doesn't like.

Pissed off at someone all of the time. Always has in it for somebody or a group of people.


Sunday, December 25, 2022

Control freak queen bee or banty rooster


How to Provide Schizophrenia Help to Your Loved One

  • Empower your ill family member by allowing him to remain as independent as possible. Frequently, caretakers inadvertently take over tasks that the patient can accomplish, robbing him of dignity and confidence.
  • When he or she rants about delusions, visions, and conspiracies, remember that you cannot reason these paranoid delusions away any more than you could reason cancer away.
  • Strive to nurture the love in your heart for the person trapped within the torment, even if you hate the schizophrenia and its influence on your lives.
  • Do not allow shame to enter your thoughts. This type of shame is toxic and unhealthy.
  • Learn to discern the difference between unnecessary, neurotic suffering and embrace true suffering. By doing this, you’ll come out on the other side to a sunny outlook with each true passing storm of pain.
  • Set boundaries and clear limitations on your giving of self. You may need to adjust these at times, but commit to staying within reasonable guidelines you set forth.
  • Forgive yourself and others for the inevitable mistakes and poorly thought-out behaviors.
  • Nurture and feed your relationships with other family members and close friends.

Schizophrenia Self Help Tools and Tips for Patients

People suffering from this traumatizing, neurological brain disorder need to first seek schizophrenia self help support from a mental health group. Participating in the meetings with other patients will help fill in the gaps between medical doctor visits and professional therapy sessions. The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) has 1200 local groups throughout the U.S.

MLS schizo symptoms


auditory, sound, hears things wrong or not there
olfactory, smells things wrongly confuses the smell of one thing with another
and smells things not there

visual, sight


severe anger angry outbursts

threatens, threatening
pushing, shoving, slapping, punching me
grabbing pet cats by head top of the head, neck, choke hold, 

loss of control of emotions

extreme hatred and desire to get a gun shoot and kill people who "don't belong in our country" or those who offend him due to their ethnic background, race, religion, attire, clothing, listening choice of music

believes people are bad out to get him or anyone, people use each other

paranoid, paranoia

Food, diet, vitamins do not help change core personality or behavior patterns schizo

Medications meds do not change personality behavior of schizophrenic


lifelong observation of countless people in my life

jerry stillwell

karen s

larry s



john s

What Is Paranoid Schizophrenia? Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

 What Is Paranoid Schizophrenia? Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Paranoid Schizophrenic – Drowning in Suspicion and Obsession

Typically, a paranoid schizophrenic experiences auditory hallucinations along with deluded thought processes and beliefs. They often believe others plot and conspire against them or their family members. People with paranoid schizophrenia tend to fare better than those suffering from one of the other subtypes. They experience fewer issues with concentration, memory, and emotional apathy, allowing them to function better in everyday life.

Paranoid Schizophrenia Symptoms

Patients often describe life with paranoid schizophrenia as a dark and fragmented world – a life marked by suspicion and isolation where voices and visions torment them in a daily waking nightmare.

Common paranoid schizophrenia symptoms may include:

Auditory disturbances – hearing things that are not real (more on hallucinations and delusions)

Unexplained anger

Emotional disconnectedness

Severe anxiety and agitation

Argumentative behavior

Violent tendencies (more on violent behaviors and schizophrenia)

Delusions of grandeur – self-importance and believing he or she possesses special powers

Frequent suicidal thoughts and behavior

While all the above symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia can occur across the different types of schizophrenia, two, in particular, set it apart from the other sub-types – paranoid delusions and auditory disturbances.

Paranoid Delusions – When suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, you feel that others are conspiring against you. As these paranoid thoughts intensify, you may behave aggressively or commit violence in self-defense against those you believe plan to cause harm to you or a loved one. You may also think you possess special powers, such as the ability to breathe underwater or fly like a bird. You may believe you’re famous or that a famous person wants to date you. Even though others present contrary evidence, you hold onto these beliefs anyway.

Auditory hallucinations that are unpleasant and cruel – Imagine sitting in your living room. You hear voices in the room, but no one else can hear them. You might hear one person’s voice or two or more people conversing. They may talk to you or about you amongst each other. They criticize you; cruelly poke fun at your real or perceived flaws. Suddenly, one of the voices orders you to hurt someone else or yourself. Although not real, to you they absolutely are.

Causes of Paranoid Schizophrenia Symptoms

Researchers do not have a clear understanding of the causes of paranoid schizophrenia symptoms or those associated with any of the sub-types. Although experts believe that brain dysfunction has a role in causing the onset of most types of the disorder, they don’t know what causes the dysfunction initially. Research indicates that both genetics and environmental triggers work together to trigger the onset.

Think of any genetic predisposition for developing psychotic disorders as rows of levers or switches. People and events represent your environment. If a person, event, or combination of these flips your switches at certain of times and in a particular order, you develop signs of paranoid schizophrenia. These initial signs signal the onset of the disorder. Research studies indicate that an imbalance of brain chemicals contributes to the onset of the first psychotic episode, leading to paranoid schizophrenia symptoms.

Risk factors that increase chances of a paranoid schizophrenia diagnosis include:

family history of psychotic disorders

exposure to a viral infection in the womb

fetal malnutrition

stress in early childhood

sexual or physical abuse

older parental age

use of psychoactive drugs during adolescence

Treatment of Paranoid Schizophrenia

Treatment of paranoid schizophrenia involves a lifelong commitment; no cure for schizophrenia exists. Treatment, essentially the same for all types of the disorder, varies based on symptom intensity and severity, patient medical history, age, and other individually relevant factors.

Treatments for paranoid schizophrenia require a team of medical and mental health professionals as well as social workers. Treatment strategies may include one or more of several options: antipsychotic medications (both traditional and atypical), psychotherapy for schizophrenia for patient and family, hospitalization, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and social skills development training.

For psychotherapeutic and other non-pharmaceutical interventions to work, doctors must first control paranoid schizophrenia symptoms. They accomplish this by prescribing one or more antipsychotic drugs. For the drugs to do their work effectively, the patient must comply with the physician orders by closely adhering to dosing instructions and schedule.

Medication non-compliance represents a significant problem in the efficacy of treatment and eventual recovery of paranoid schizophrenic patients. A high percentage of patients choose to stop taking their medications during the first year of treatment, allowing psychosis to return and the debilitating clutches of the disorder to take over once again.

The High Personal and Collateral Costs of Paranoid Schizophrenia

Untreated paranoid schizophrenia can lead to a continual worsening of symptoms and a total loss of touch with reality. Suicidal thoughts and actions commonly plague those with paranoid schizophrenia and the other types as well. If you suspect a family member is showing paranoid schizophrenia signs and symptoms, urge him or her to seek help immediately. If necessary, check into the necessary steps required have your loved one evaluated involuntarily by a psychiatrist. (Help for family members and schizophrenia patients.)

article references

Friday, December 23, 2022

Can't figure out why I am happy. Without external sources.

Resistant to new things ideas places people things

Finds a thing they don't like and focuses on it at length...for a long long time.

Feels better about self when cutting others down, calling them stupid

Must feel superior to others.

Has to have lots of stuff to feel temporarily happy

Buyer. Good consumer. Not a seller

Lacks self control over emotions especially anger

Owning good things having money is better than being a good nice person

Loves expensive and or high quality things, . Prioritizes money and material over spiritual.

Chronic complainers. Fault finding.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Critical of any and all. Lacks appreciation of others appearance, work, methods, ideas,

 haircut. I wont let her cut my hair again. wont go back there at great clips on 103rd state line

man who inspected house for foundation the structural engineer, a retired seasoned professional
he said man needs to retire. flaw finding faults with him sd not worth 450 dollars he paid to tell him things he already knew all of it

writes detailed letters to people such as the inspector containing their errors flaws mistakes 

auto parts stores, our friend tony sd he tells the people at the parts store how to do their job

waitresses servers anywhere , makes comments about how they did or did not serve him and do a good or bad / poor job taking care of his wants

nitpicks almost every meal i make/cook. has to find something about the meal that is wrong and did not suit him or come out "right"

Pays bills on due date not sooner because thinks they make interest off money

Acts confused when I tell him something. Repeats it over and over. I DON"T Stutter, mince my words or act unsure when I say most things.

 having to repeat myself with this person is one of the most irritiating things 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Disgruntled. Takes out frustration upon me that should be directed at the source of frustration NOT at me.

 First thing this morning. 

Raises voice. Yelling about how man who inspected house needs to retire.

I asked what can I do about it?

He did not answer my question. instead said "I need to contact the people who are going to do the house and tell them the corner (sw/souithwest corner) of house has this problem....."

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Never fought another male over a female. Never defended me against anyone male or female

Dark side.

 Gloom and doom.

Negative. Destructive.

Focuses on lack, never has enough.

World is a terrible horrible place.

No one can do anything right except, of course, a public person who he doesn't personally know DONALD TRUMP  

EVIL. Hateful. Lacks true self esteem. 

Threatens, threatening.

Scared. Frightened. Won't admit fear, instead becomes outraged, angry, mean, violent, throws fits, tantrums. 

Treats me like The Enemy

Narcissistic insults 10 most common examples

Narcissist insults 10 most common examples Narcissist insults