Saturday, January 27, 2024

Accusations of flirting or sex engagement with other men

 each one I have met that he didnt know yet he has accused me of doing something with

after he met them and befriended them he calmed down somewhat but still doesnt want me to be alone in the company of any male anywhere especially inside of a house home or other building

these are one i knew/know

chuck strand, charles who died a few years ago

tony gomez

lico, a guy who worked at clark oil back in early 90s

levi, the manager at apt complex behind gas station i worked at

Does he know when he fucked up?

 maybe subconsciously

could be why acts fakey nice right before wanting me to do something for him after he has displayed the most inane childish behavior of fits temper tantrums rages hostility whining

several years ago my friend j.r. said 'he must have done something wrong' when i asked him why my husband was suddenly being nice to me when he is usually mean

He has always wanted me to cover my beauty, hide myself and ignore my intelligence

Thursday, January 18, 2024

 everything is a crisis

change is very upsetting 

nervous fucking wreck most of the time

complains bitches moans constantly

not very adaptable

stresses out easily over most everything

worries constantly about things out of his control

mechanical things good at

abstract difficult to understand

begins day pissed off ends the day upset 

fixed place for items; furniture, basically everything

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Minimizes most things I mention, say, talk about

fails to see/understand the importance of the consequences of anything..preventing accidents 


i said the stuff is going to blow out the back of the bed of the pickup truck and 

he said it's fine. dont worry about it

loads truck with old roofing materials 

gets on highway 50 eastbound towards sedalia headed to kingsville missouri

stuff flies out the back 

he pulls over to side of road

then i have to sit on top of pile to try to keep it from blowing out onto the road and other drivers beside and behind us

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Majority of time doing mundane

 Regulating Temp in the house constantly 

Instead getting solutions like central AC heat pump or anything modern

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Alias used

jwl john william layson used joe smith in kansas city, mo and used a birthdate 20 years youngers than him (1966 instead of november 1946) . this info discovered in emails he receives from mylife

ecm used last name haynie in social media. he has dating profile on pof but i cant access it as i dont have an account and dont plan on registering one. 

this info found on laptop computers ... it was not revealed to me by them or otherwise