Monday, April 15, 2024

Would not. Does not di

 would not meditate in silence with eyes closed

would not answer surveys

piles things around in many places 

orgazination skills are piling things up that are difficult to get to

clutter piles all over

can't stand making lists of things

gung ho about acquiring more stuff then complaining "i don't have, money, time, ..."

deep cleaning things in large areas is out of the question because doesn't want to get rid of stuff

thinks theres always something better out there to be had

never satisfied with what he/she has

Blocked me often in business, organization and cleaning

 jwl, mls, ecm, layson

thinks getting more stuff is the answer

clutter, saving everything, keeping trash things no longer needed 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Changes are very upsetting, demands I don't talk to other people

 Becomes very upset 

If anyone else is moving furniture or anything, organizing for ergonomics and ease of  use, changing layout, pattern, place of items

Insists I don't talk to other people, don't tell anyone anything. 

Temper tantrums thrown when things moved around to clean and organize

 Yelling, screaming, name calling, calling me stupid, saying I don't make sense, saying he/she doesn't understand my way of thinking.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Last minute on some things

Mls. Taking the trash out, getting it ready usually after 1030 pm or whenever right before going to bed the night before trash day

Paying bills via mail a few days before due date. Rarely forgetting or late



Used to: all bills paid late with extra fees, trash piled up in places, avoided taking it out, i took trash out majority of time

Left assortment of everything from tools to clothes to dirty dishes scattered about