Saturday, October 30, 2021

 feels like he is almost always being taken advantage of and ripped off

 believes should be paid money for everything he has and does
everyone owes him forever

good looking (to me,anyway)  looks good physically ; attractive; 

very physical and active; works very hard with the body

nice when wants something, sometimes nice; often mean 

demands respect and will not respect first


rude impolite insulting

says something nasty about almost every person i have seen when with him as soon
as the person walks away and can't hear him

does not offer anyone something to drink or eat

when guests visitors arrive

does not open the car door for me; says you're not

helpless you can open it yourself

never had a good example of a man or gentleman during upbringing
or a lady such as mother who acted like an immature troublemaker fako phony

childish immature 

believes others don't deserve nice things or money or what they have

says others don't work hard enough like he does so they don't deserve it he should have it instead

whine about things and life not being fair

apples into oranges, lacks understanding of differences, wants to force people, animals,
anything to change into something it is not and refuses to look at self, won't change 
ant thing about himself

constantly comparing self and situation to others 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

 mother used her children as pawns

did not show affection, love, acceptance no hugs kisses approval 

similar to a snake reptile reptilian creature lays eggs unlike mammals who

care for babies with lots of hugs and warmth and kissing and touch

two faced


dumpy frumpy fat and fat stomach gut as she aged

in youth absolutely beautiful pretty 

drove husband over the brink insane 

threw pan of hot water at husband ran him off 

ate lots of good food as well as sweets cake pies candy

feigned innocence like a sheep, phony as a 3 dollar bill

mean hateful vicious vengeful wicked spiteful thief 

angry jealous accusatory threatening paranoid

Monday, October 25, 2021


whole family are rejects

(the ones I met, knew and heard about): parents, siblings,
aunts uncles cousins etcetera





focuses on mistakes flaws and drives it in over and over


Saturday, October 16, 2021

mother was jehovah's witness zealot

 marjorie mae rutherford stillwell became a religious fanatic for the

jehovah witness faith when she was a teenager and in early 20's

according to her brother, norman noah rutherford, right

after the death of their mother

florence who was a jehovah witness fanatic follower zealot

perhaps marjorie (Marge) was attempting to please her mother and

be in her favor as marge was NOT a favorite child of her mother

marge was rejected by her mom and marge also rejected all

5 of her daughters (females) and she favored her 5 boys 

treating them better than the girls

father was given shots of thorazine and electric shock treatments for schizophrenia

these "treatments" did not help nor fix the mental issue of schizo

 father was

joseph olney stillwell

1-18-1911  to 9-11-1975

january 18, 1911   september 11, 1975

michael was age 14 when father died

last time father lived with him he was age 5 according

to family members...mother was insane 

jehovah's witness zealot and ran him (olney) off

threw pan of boiling water at the father so he left moved to

california to live with his sisters/family and got away from

the wife marjorie mae rutherford stillwell

11-29-1915 to 3-6-2008

november 29, 1915 to march 6, 2008

Spends lots of money on electronics

 stereo equipment, electronics, dvd players/recorders, headphones, televisions, reel players, car audio stereo, speakers,