good looking (to me,anyway) looks good physically ; attractive;
very physical and active; works very hard with the body
nice when wants something, sometimes nice; often mean
demands respect and will not respect first
rude impolite insulting
says something nasty about almost every person i have seen when with him as soon
as the person walks away and can't hear him
does not offer anyone something to drink or eat
when guests visitors arrive
does not open the car door for me; says you're not
helpless you can open it yourself
never had a good example of a man or gentleman during upbringing
or a lady such as mother who acted like an immature troublemaker fako phony
childish immature
believes others don't deserve nice things or money or what they have
says others don't work hard enough like he does so they don't deserve it he should have it instead
whine about things and life not being fair
apples into oranges, lacks understanding of differences, wants to force people, animals,
anything to change into something it is not and refuses to look at self, won't change
ant thing about himself
constantly comparing self and situation to others
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