Friday, August 19, 2022

Are narcissists boring? Yes.


Answered by 

Edward Tierney

 Jul 14

Are narcissists boring?


One of the more surprising things you will have to face if you are in a relationship with a narcissist is just how boring your life is going to be. During lovebombing, you will be promised the earth- parties, excitement, exotic holidays- but reality will kick in as soon as you commit. The real narcissist will emerge- the one who never listens, doesn’t care about you or your interests, and never wants to do what you want or go to where you want to go. If you do manage to persuade them somewhere, they will bitch and moan and spoil it anyway, so you will soon give up. They are only interested in what they are interested in- and that is usually very boring- endless sport on tv, watching old cowboy movies back to back, trashy reality tv. And if you object, you will induce a rage or a sulk. So you will quickly learn to endure their boring interests, or you will have to endure the tantrums, and go into another room to do whatever it is you want. Going out will not be an option- the narcissist will accuse you of cheating, or wasting money, or being a bad mother- oh, the insults will be endless. So you won’t bother, and you will be bored witless. That is why you must read about narcissism, and see what your future holds- a hint- it isn’t going to be fun. Narcissists are unpleasant people, self-obsessed and simply not nice to be around. They damage people. Everyone normal should become an expert on narcissism. This is surprisingly easy, because they always act the same, all the time, and they do the same things to people over and over again. There is a narc pattern. So one good book will do it. The best book I have found on narcissism generally is Prepare to be Tortured- the price you will pay for dating a narcissist. AB Jamieson, Amazon. There is a clue in the title

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