Wednesday, August 17, 2022


 Synonyms & Antonyms of curmudgeon

an irritable and complaining person

only a curmudgeon would object to the nursing home's holiday decorations

Synonyms for curmudgeon

bear, bellyacher, complainer, crab, crank, croaker, crosspatch, fusser, griper, grouch, grouser, growler, grumbler, grump, murmurer, mutterer, sourpuss, whiner

Words Related to curmudgeon


malcontent, sorehead

grinch, killjoy, party pooper, spoilsport

defeatist, pessimist

faultfinder, kicker, nagger, nitpicker, objector, quibbler, repiner

crock [slang], hypochondriac

Near Antonyms for curmudgeon

optimist, Pollyanna

happy camper

See the Dictionary Definition 

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