Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Paranoid behavior MLS


thinks everyone is watching him anywhere he is

he watches environment closely

must have curtains / blinds closed at night when light is on

apartment buildiing lived in when a teenager he said you could see in other peoples windows through the curtains easily

anytime i go with him to anyplace he is anxious about the idea anyone can see him or me 

walmart incident 2021
yelled at me told me not to squat down to look at groceries on lower shelves because someone could see me squatting and they might be looking and see something even tho i was fully covered in long dress no one could see my private area period

ihop restaurant incident 2020 or 21 raytown mo 350 hwy 
we and 2 booths of black people eating he insisted on leaving right after ordering food said he couldnt stand those people looking at him wanted to go to another place to eat like the mexican restaurant next door or any other place. we did stay after food came and he said he is never going back there again

dennys restaurant incident  april 2022 

jack stack bbq 

red robin restaurant

believes people are following him in traffic like the police

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