Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Other women / other people do this..... regarding most things

 today i mentioned holidays coming up halloween and christmas and he said other women put up decorations for those days and you dont

why don't I do it, i asked him


30 and 31  years ago he cut down 2 tress for xmas and says it wasn't worth the effort, xmas is for kids, its a bad time of year he has to put out alot of money for taxes house car and other people get him worthless gifts not worth a damn like a shirt 



Expects instant gratification. Wants it right now. Impatient

Hyper aware of external things> Desires to control it all

 Hyper aware of environment, external outside people, things, animals, anything

wants to control people, others, animals, things, material objects

manhandle stuff

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Equates having material things with self worth and importance

 must have or try to get best of everything in items 

yet is miserable as hell and rarely satisfied happy or joyful 

Gets something for me or does a thing for me then throws it in my face

 "after all I've done for you"

i do everything around here

you don't appreciate anything

you're an ingrate / ungrateful

there are takers and givers, i am a giver

i work / worked my ass off

you have it easy

Public image is top priority. Personal image to close family is not

 says most horrible rotten insulting things to me about me and about any other person whether it is a stranger neighbor family member or friend/associate/acquaintance

says mean things to me but not in public

worried about what the neighbors think about anything and everything first and foremost

My ass is the main focus/focal point majority of the time

 turn around let me look at you (your ass butt backside) 
makes sure,certain that there is no view of any skin on my butt buttocks ass before I exit the house door so that no one else will see this part of my body



punches me with fist on butt says must be jam jelly doesn't shake like that then laughs (gpa)

Sqaure box head thinking

His/her way or the highway

Will not confront another male/man in my defense

 instead will confront me

yell threaten double up fist 

say we will part, separate, get divorced

Everybody owes him

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Denied me medical treat from 2006 to 2016

 Due to keeping his money in account s afraid of cost 

All about the money 

Focused on how hard others have it , how easy I have it

believes things have to be hard, a fight, difficult

doesn't like window shopping. thinks has to buy something when going into a store

UNCOOPERATIVE, inflexible, dislikes changes of most anything. SIMPLE

 bank: refuses to look into another even after incident in january 2022 when someone made phony fraudulent check of his account and he had to close out his account. He went to community america, closed out account and opened a new one at same bank, not cosidering any other

credit card: has ONE refuses to look into any other even after card stolen in january 2022

residence: refuses idea of moving to a different house/home,location

doctor preferences; doesn't want to see phyisican but will see a dentist and wants to go to dental college and pay them for it even though we have medicaid dental

food, drinks: ingests same stuff for many years, perhaps 50 years and reluctant to listen to any diet modifications. He MUST make own decision regarding any food or drink added to or taken away from him. Will not listen to any input from me or any other source regarding health nutrition and food and drink.
restuaurants: same old ones for years and years. 

cars, trucks, automobiles: must continue with same vehicle(s). 

Grabs things out of my hand while I am doing something.

Friday, September 16, 2022


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Monday, September 12, 2022

Says does whatever he she wants and restricts, limits, blocks me or others: Hypocritical

 says shut the fuck up

i dont want to hear it

youre crazy 

you cant do that

i don't know anyone else who does that

you think you know it all

you are stupid

puts headphones or ear phones on says I CAN'T HEAR YOU


I dont care

don't give a fuck  ... what you want, need, or how you feel about it or anything else 

you are going to do what I say without question

pushes forces shoves knocks down 

hits punches 

yells screams  uses name calling

mocks imitates simulates punishes

Wants to know plans, what is going on, heads up so they can screw it up

 hinder, block, stop

attack, threaten

humiliate, criticize, strip, torture, take away, limit, prevent, control, dominate, whip, tie up

talks about tying up any person or animals that may or is doing something he or she doesn't like approve of 

My patience has about reached its end, around 99.9% of dealing with certain kinds

 impatient absolutist dictator authoritarian

black and white thinkers

shove people into a box after melting them down putting them into a blender so they have no unique identity until they don't know who or what they are 

lack appreciation, respect

hypocrite (I can do it but you can't because its wrong and you are not in the position I am in to do whatever the hell I want to do: scream, yell, cuss, lie, cheat, steal, abuse, abandon, dictate, force, push, assume, )

shame inducers, blamers, guilt inflicting people 

fake, phony, false

puts on status image in public, terrorizes at home then pretends feigns innocence 

 Anybody everybody nobody and or somebody is screwed up thinking 

 I hear these words frequently from a person and people who are confused anxiety fearful paranoid crazy nuts unsure uncertain

 Chicken shit 

Cowards cowardly

 Mixed up 



Don't know what to do 

Think in terms of should 

anonymous people without names or identity includes anybody anyone any man any woman, everybody, everyone, someone, somebody.... nameless faceless meaningless OBJECTS like puppets dolls stepword wives or husbands 

This type of thinking is insane.

I was told that I don't exist by another person (a female woman sister in law when I first met her in 1991, Dorothy was her name) who grew up in household using these same words that attempt to include every single person or no person in a group, activity, thought process or any other method of a life form.

Worries the most about what other people think. Tries to keep up with the crowd, the people driving speeds.

Scared to fucking death to stand out. To be different. Suffer humiliation.

 suffer any kind of humiliation, ridicule or scorn.

Why can't you be like "everybody else" ??? he yells

Sunday, September 11, 2022



 absolutist definition

ab·so·lut·ism  (ăb′sÉ™-lo͞o′tÄ­z′É™m)



a. A political theory holding that all power should be vested in one ruler or other authority.

b. A form of government in which all power is vested in a single ruler or other authority.

2. An absolute doctrine, principle, or standard.

ab′so·lut′ist n.

ab′so·lu·tis′tic (-lo͞o-tÄ­s′tÄ­k) adj.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Switch to new thesaurus
Noun1.absolutist - one who advocates absolutismabsolutist - one who advocates absolutism  
adherentdisciple - someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another
Adj.1.absolutist - pertaining to the principle of totalitarianism

Most comfortable working on physical objects

 mls excellent at working on mechanical electronic cement wood, fixing objects

jerry (dead) was mechanic

john (dead )was electrical mechanical engineer worked at airports

Medication, meds will not change core personaility


Bill, william

Larry   dead, took meds, in Rockhill Manor over 20 years schizophrenic

John Lee  dead, not sure if on meds, one of the schizo sibs

Jerry      dead, took meds, got worse regardless of meds, diet, alcohol ingestion or not and in and out of psych wards in CA and MO, one of the worst schizos, convinced me there is no help with this mental disorder 

Karen   dead, schizo, tooks meds, never got better, got worse, one of the worst 

severe cases of this 

Marjorie Mae Rutherford Stillwell, total paranoid schizophrenic

Norman Rutherford, Marjorie's brother, paranoid schizo, never married



false allegations of others spying on them, theft, thinks people are following them when driving,

eating out at a restaurant always involves him (mls) viewing other people making judgments on them thinking they are looking at him/us feeling uncomfortable, wanting to leave if sees one person he doesn't like the looks of

shopping at walmart or any store involves him thinking that employess think he/I am stealing something

first question about anything "How much did that cost?:

believes people are out to get something things money whatever from you

they're tyring to sell you something...

they want your money

they people don't like you for you at all, they want something from you

believes no compliment is genuine, it is said just to be nice, polite

no holiday celebrations (mls, mother marjorie, norman, )

won't go to movie says is favorite even when my son would pay for it

can't enjoy self most of the time; rarely seems to act happy or smiles about much of anything

miserable, miserly, anxious, awkward, uncomfortable, hateful, accusatory

Schizophrenic and narcissistic

Thursday, September 8, 2022








You don't know what you're doing. Said frequently to me.

 you don't know what you are doing

you don't have any business doing that, being there, wearing that, going there

you don't 

you shouldn't    think that feel that 

want that 

be that

look like that

feel that way

We don't have room for a peach tree

 words out of his mouth yesterday

YET there is room for an oak tree he planted in the middle of the front yard

and room anywhere on this property for any thing he wants and deems necessary for himsself and own needs and desires 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Patronized ..whiny voice of disbelief by these people

 Ecm, GPA, Gma,mls

Any apology is fake

 the i'm sorry's  is not real because they

continue to do the same evil things over and over 

Does NOT like horror movies

 knows that the monster is about control

understands story line, what is coming next, predicts the outcome of what the evil one is going to do next and how they think

knows it well because that is how he/she is, a control freak who enjoys terrorizing little princesses

I don't like roller coasters of shit dumped onto me from the hell in the mind of the narc

 who remind me of just how horrible people are and how bad the world is and

how i need to be careful and watch out for them, strangers, when in fact the real monster lies inside them right at home 

This morning he gets up as Dr Jekyll. Yesterday was Mr Hyde to the max 9-6-2022

 he leaves in the pickup truck this morning

he only takes truck under certain circumstances 1: weather has to be nice with no precipitation, 2: hauling somemthing 3: picking something up large 4: (Possibly) to show off truck ?

says is using oreillys rewards on some kind of tool 

saw him cleaning off some wheel outside before he left

handed me renewed card for aaa auto this morning says it cost 122 a year

combed his hair coming out of bathroom 

what is going on? what is he really doing where is headed to 

yesterday was horrid horrible ogre rotten mean hateful telling me tired of me to take my stuff and go somewhere else, just leave, i cause too much commotion (I was sweeping the patio out back, that is all, claiming i hit the propane tank on the grill

he is listening to world horror news headphones/ear phones on. said why should i go with you i end up having to pay for it 

Same old story Same character types over and over.


The Grinch


Sweet ones/people/usually females, women, tortured relentlessly by the scrooges/grinch types who remind the nice ones of the horrors of life and revel in watching the fear in their eyes and enjoy making them cry ...attempt to invoke the same feelings of fear, abandonment, misery in other that they feel inside themselves and cannot admit.  An attempt at negative energy transfer


Princess sleeping beauty

Pollyanna polly anna sweet nice sees all good and pleasant

attempts to transfer positive energy, seeing the light and good of all people, animals, things 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Will not listen to another's point of view unless it matches his/hers

Points the finger at anyone but themself

Reluctant, obstinate, stubborn, stuck, fixed, immovable, hardheaded

 is these things and accuses me of being that way

Inflexible with most things

 activities, habits


physical hobbies

patterns of behavior

belief systems


places visited


thought processes are pretty much fixed 

supposed to be ... people and things are categorized into boxes of what he/she believes they should be, do, are, am

Demands explanations but doesn't seem to understand answers most of the time

Misinprets things often. Assumes things, motives, intentions. Communication is difficult

Eyeballs / vision seems to be dominant sense used.

Likes prefers material objects because it is something he/she can control

 a wise young lady told me this many years ago ...Muriel

once when I was walking not far from home

i mentioned the mechanical abilities, handling of inanimate objects and apparent expertise at doing these things 

Gets quiet. Appears calm nice controlled when beauty pretty female is around

 noticed this trait goes way back over 30 years ago

if female is stranger, neighbor, in public a person not personally known like me then the sheep look the innocent sheepish act is present 

in my presence the devil comes out 


Can't stand quotations, quotes, wise statements



stops blocks prevents











watches closely faces reactions

He doesn't like my black beret. Likes stocking caps which I don't like.


Thursday, September 1, 2022

Competes. competitive. tries to outdo me, outsmart me, be better than me at whatever....

Tremendous fear of looking bad, like a fool, of being stupid, of not knowing.

You said this and this what you MEANT to say... I'm NOT stupid !!!

Not hearing a person out. Cutting off, finishing sentences, assuming what you're going to say.

Narc fights. The never ending feud battles of forcing oneself upon others.

 Narc fights. The never ending feud battles of forcing oneself upon others.

 One will beat you up and wear you out with stupid. Stupidity beats up intelligence and

wears out the other who participates in endless battles going nowhere.

1. Constantly asking the same questions over and over. daily, weekly, monthly...for years on end.

 Not listening to the answers. Keep asking. 

2. pretending like you or i dont understand to keep the shit going

3. feigning ignorance 

4. "I don't understand" (I can't understand" (common sense things) are frequent statements

and demand an explanation which, of course, the recipient answers and the person keeps saying I can't/don't understand after the other explains in full detail why, who, what, where, when, how... all q's are answered and the narc feigns stupidity

5. Picks, prods, pokes, agitates, aggravates, demands yes or no answers to optional preferences which are individual choices THEN becoming irate if the person says yes or no in a decision that disagrees with what they poking prodding narc asks

6. Statements are ALL or NOTHING so one has no real choice to even think ..forced to believe that one (me, you or I) don't have a choice in the matter. The OTHER option of 

NOT deciding yes or no is not allowed. Violence ensues   "Goddmamit, you HAVE to be on this side or that one, you can't be in the middle and NOT choose one or the other!!!"

7. Keep saying fixed things which are opinions and saying that your opinion is a fact

no arguing with a fool

fools foolish argument is never ending

endless circular going nowhere no resolution no problem is solved. problems continue on and fighting is continual

push one and get resistance bucking fighting arguing yelling 

One has to realize a thing on their own. We you I learn by ourselves. 

We dont need to be pushed, forced and assisted by another.

Focuses on the stupidity of designs, things, people, animals. Instead of admitting self stupidity, the other thing is STUPID Narc

Focus on the negative. Keep pounding on it.

Spends lots of money on electronics

 stereo equipment, electronics, dvd players/recorders, headphones, televisions, reel players, car audio stereo, speakers,