Sunday, September 11, 2022

Medication, meds will not change core personaility


Bill, william

Larry   dead, took meds, in Rockhill Manor over 20 years schizophrenic

John Lee  dead, not sure if on meds, one of the schizo sibs

Jerry      dead, took meds, got worse regardless of meds, diet, alcohol ingestion or not and in and out of psych wards in CA and MO, one of the worst schizos, convinced me there is no help with this mental disorder 

Karen   dead, schizo, tooks meds, never got better, got worse, one of the worst 

severe cases of this 

Marjorie Mae Rutherford Stillwell, total paranoid schizophrenic

Norman Rutherford, Marjorie's brother, paranoid schizo, never married



false allegations of others spying on them, theft, thinks people are following them when driving,

eating out at a restaurant always involves him (mls) viewing other people making judgments on them thinking they are looking at him/us feeling uncomfortable, wanting to leave if sees one person he doesn't like the looks of

shopping at walmart or any store involves him thinking that employess think he/I am stealing something

first question about anything "How much did that cost?:

believes people are out to get something things money whatever from you

they're tyring to sell you something...

they want your money

they people don't like you for you at all, they want something from you

believes no compliment is genuine, it is said just to be nice, polite

no holiday celebrations (mls, mother marjorie, norman, )

won't go to movie says is favorite even when my son would pay for it

can't enjoy self most of the time; rarely seems to act happy or smiles about much of anything

miserable, miserly, anxious, awkward, uncomfortable, hateful, accusatory

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Spends lots of money on electronics

 stereo equipment, electronics, dvd players/recorders, headphones, televisions, reel players, car audio stereo, speakers,