Friday, October 28, 2022

Anti social paranoid personality

 avoids social gatherings situations party parties get togethers 

dislkes family events holidays celebrations

avoids community center

says can't stand scrutiny that everybody scrutinizes him and everyone else

avoids will not attend group activities events including

sports, club activities even with subjects he does such as metal detecting ..won't go says he already knows all about it doesn't need anyone else's input information knowledge




dining out

suspicious of any and every person : neighbors, family, associates, any person in any field of work or category includes doctors, hair stylists, restaurant workers

says those people are paid to be nice (believing that a person is only being nice because it is their job and they are earnng money to do if the person is not genuinely nice polite pleasant and hospitable)

csnnot work with other people on job in career in any type of joint activity. he thinks he must in in full control of any situation and he knows better than anyone else how to do anything

doesn't trust 

does not trust my judgment decisions on almost everything

literally says i don't know what i am doing, have no common sense, need help, can't do it or do it on my own, 

people are viewed as a threat

confident people are especially threatening

shame guilt ridden driven  

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