Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Thinks other people don't deserve the money they make..as if they aren't really working to earn it.

Only aware of hard work any activity he does himself. No regard of efforts of others. Minimizes importance of other people

False beliefs convictions Will not learn truth true information regarding these

 believes if a person does not brush their teeth it is cause of tooth decay rot gum disease all dental problems  (disregards every other piece of evidence regarding facts that if person's diet is bad, they do drugs, eat and drink sugary beverages..... 

milk does a body good

gatorade and sports drinks have electrolytes and are good for you

fat people are that way due to their genetic code; if parents are fat kids are fat and it has nothing to do with diet and lifestyle

good at shooting orders at me and people especially regarding things he has never done. minimizing the time effort and work i do or what others actually go through to get results

good at constanlty criticisizing others and telling them what to do how to it

eating up the food and finding something wrong with it. not cooking it. has no idea of effort it takes the time and money involved in finding making creating beverages or food

thinks i could just jump right into a job without proper formal education and training. jobs such as being a cosmetician beautician cutting hair, working at a hospital in nursing or any other field. does not support my desire to go through any kind of educaional pursuit to go to school to learn how to do anything. thinks it should be free and almost effortless 

believes smoking cigarettes or any kind of tobacco or thing inhaled causes almost all physical ailments such as cancer, etc and disregards all other lifestyle habits that contribute to health status

preferes to blame one single thing on a problem. it is easier to do this than to actually THINK

Monday, January 30, 2023

Boring dull subjects of interest

 Politics news math

Given up on life

 Depressed not excited 

No zest no sparkle in the eyes

Living dead mortuary house

Lacks enthusiasm


Fixed rigid boxed thinking

Lacks desire and creativity

Doesn't want to try anything new. No novelty 

Give up attitude

Contempt, contemptuous 

Why try to be or do anything 

Fail, failure, fault finding 


Sunday, January 29, 2023

Listens to music that drags me down


Sticks his fingers into almost everything. Has zero self control

 has to use  fingers to pick up the raw bacon when cooking wont use utensil to pick it up says he has more control over it that way

uses fingers to wipe off necks spouts of bottles of any type of any food items such as sauces ketchup salad dressing mustard  syrup. refuses to use another item like a napkin paper towel or any type of sanitary item cloth or otherwise after i repeatedly have told him for years and years to stop using his fingers to clean off containers 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

High end stereo equipment OWNED and desired

Fancy stuff owned attracted to frills equates this with value and importance

Gets on ebay. Buys the heck out of stuff. BUYER primarily. Hates to sell.

Cannot understand my patience, empathy, slowness

Mice and rats don't bother him. I scream when I see them, get upset when I hear them rattling around.

 He says it's no big deal. Just get mouse traps or use buckets. Dispose of them. Has no problems dealing with mice and picking up traps and reusing them. They thorougly disgust me. Creepy little creature things.


Meatloaf making shocks him. Squeamish. Is it the fear of seeing guts, blood and raw meat?

Freaks out over zits, pimples, cystic acne. Squeamish. Can't deal with extrusion of pus from zits I have

When two narcs encounter almost instant hate. They recognize themselves and are disgusted filled with contempt

Very easily controlled and fooled over anything he sees

 believes what he sees is real according to his interpretation of it

Uses my makeup foundation for women face/faces if he sees any type of blemish mark on his face

Freaks out when sees a spot on my nose MLS

 at the sight of blood

saw a "black" spot on my nose today and had a tizzy

focuses constantly on that blemish, spot, whatever he sees that could be a mark, a flaw, a mole

goes into a panic horrible state of mind

emotional upset out of control

loses patience

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Disgusted with most people things and life in general

Says I am the problem causing all of his anger pissed off frustration, never admits he is generating own anger

Rejects any of my ideas statements suggestions

 each and every day throws shit on almost every thing i say 

hanging up brooms on the wall. doesnt want nails or anyway to hang them

clearing walkways in stairwells, refuses to do, blocks them with shelves, carpet rolls, containers of old motor oil, 

getting rid of stuff we dont use or need, refuses to do this turns into a big huge fight for me to try to sell or get rid of anything

Blocks my ideas, desires, abilities for education, career

 no support or encouragement for my abilities capabilities 

says i can't do anything, don't have ability to do anything i want to have done around the house or with the vehicle

too old to go to school (said this when I was 30 years old)

true scrooge grinch ebenezer 

said 'i am not supporting you while you go to school you're going to have to work while you go if you go to school' way back in the 90s when i was getting unemployment compensation and the government offered free educational programs paid for up to 9 months of schooling 

Discourages me and others from any form of happiness joy or glee

Expects others and outside circumstances to make them happy. Cannot generate internal happiness and smile just "because"

 bend to their will

do what he/she wants

look the way they expect 

act, talk, 

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Anti social, does not trust people, no personality. EYEBALLS/VISION is predominant

assumes and frequently wrongly assumes things

with uneducated guesses

miscalulates others misjudges often is occassionally right when detecting a person who has criminal behavior

does not want to participate in any social gathering or event which includes:
family get togethers, music events, any city activities 

freaks out when going to any restaurant, public place such as a mall or store 

 wants nothing to do with anyone. made remarks comments about the neighbors here "see that house, i don't need to know those people..."

very little talking unless he is projecting his opinion upon a willing victim

only listens to certain media on tv, internet, radio

tells me to shut up shut the fuck up , "I dont want to hear it"

so i feel like i have literally wasted the last 31 years of my life 

Saturday, January 21, 2023





Cheapskate when it comes to me. Spends large amounts of money on himself and what he wants

Wants me to feel BAD, mad, angry, horrible all the time just like he/she does

Changes his/her voice tone to nice and sweet instantly when talking to other people, NOT TO ME

Feels insignificant. Projects this onto others calling them worthless stupid lame

I'm not impressed, said often

NARC STARE is a GLARE fuming hatred

 it's isn't just looking at me/you

it's glaring mean stare bearing hatred 

an intense strong look flaming from eyes filled with envy jealousy 


smirking shirking 

boiling with bad intentions rotten putrid thoughts emanate from


they frequently often have shooting daggers out of their eyes

HORNS on top of the head are almost visible

Friday, January 20, 2023

Keep windows and doors shut when temp is not right due to the COST money to heat or cool

 Screams at me when I want fresh air in the house and it is NOT spring or early fall

totally due to the money 



Saturday, January 14, 2023

Sees things one way only: his way and wont listen to any other way

Continues to repair the only house has purchased and lived in since 1991.

 Never owned any other house

Sinks more money into property that is not worth it. 

Refuses to be happy

Refuses to move . Refuses to discuss idea or options to move to a different house,home or any other type of dwelling

down going further down in hell constantly it is getting worse by the minute

balloon stomper flower crusher MLS

 hateful mean grouchy grumpy complaining bastard

says ABOUT HIMSELF " i dont bury my head in the sand"

the exact expression his  paranoid schizophrenic sister karen claimed that each member of their family did "bury their head in the sand"

says cant stand all the commotion

the whole day was ruined yesterday when my son came over and i brought my grandson to our house which my grandson hasn't been to my house in over a year ..as if that is too often and too much and an unreasonable thing to do

listens with headphones plastered to head over his ears the world news shit disasters corruption of government politics

upset with me says it is annoying that i hum am humming that i started doing that about a year ago and talking to myself 

Friday, January 13, 2023

becomes quiet still in public around "famous" person, people, a cute pretty girl

 i remember the incident at jerry's steak house

can't understand how i can be happy over a very small thing or just generally JOYFUL

never satisfied with what they have or simple things simplicity

thinks others watching them when they are the ones watching others all the time

porn addiction

early morning thinks most things have to be done early daylight

wants fancy things overpriced

 heavily advertised

name brands

looks for validation on the outside

follows the masses

calls other people stupid idiots fools dumb asses . Praises self says i am not stupid

makes thigs difficult for others, blocking their way and path

says i'm not impressed frequently

wants to feel important, associate self with celebrities, important people.

Very visual. Impressed by "big things" people they deem as IMPORTANT. Treats the "little" guy like shit.

 nice to some people some of the time

NOT nice to all people all the time

Thursday, January 5, 2023

eats lots of sweets restaurant and fast food and drinks

seeks high class people lives in fantasy world of having perfect mate woman man and treats current mate associate like slave shit fool

what does it mean to railroad someone

 railroad urban dictionary

"To railroad" means to rig a situation such that events can only play out in a particular manner, or to a particular end. When applied to a trial, it means to manipulate the judicial system such that a defendant is virtually guaranteed a conviction. The metaphor derives from the nature of a railroad track, which does not offer a train the ability to choose its path of travel.
"The lead prosecutor railroaded Eddy into a first-degree murder conviction: she relied heavily on the testimony of unqualified experts."

"If you are hosting a murder-mystery party, avoid railroading your guests into quickly solving the case. Give them freedom to pursue tangents in the storyline they find interesting."

 constantly ordering things and buying fancy stuff furniture yard tools house stuff makeup clothes clothing nice things spending tons lots of money of things demands high quality treats me like a fool idiot slave bitches about paying me for anything or spending time or doing anything i like with me 

takes advantage of innocent people


Being broke is ugly: this is core belief. As they age they forget about their own self being and acting ugly. Judging others on appearance constantly.

ONLY certain people deserve respect at all times : It is never me

Needs to shit on some people : I happen to be one of their favorites