Friday, June 23, 2023


 i did this

i have this

i own this and i have all this money

i am right, you are wrong

you have no right to be yourself, think for yourself, have your own preferences because......

you should be doing that, you need to do what I tell you to do and be what I say you should be

i told you so

i think this and that and that is how it should be there is no other way than my way of thinking

says you are unacceptable

says you have intolerable behavior

says i am not putting up with that YET acts like a pure D ASS HOLE and BITCH themselves

can't understand unique qualities of anyone or any thing, uniqueness not accepted amongst personal crowd of people, family BUT will admire adore suck up to certain celebrities people in power high positions in life yet has no clue or appreciation for their own personal crowd of people 

criticizes people to death

wrapped up in the media: tv, television, radio, some books, magazines, newspapers

believes ideal life exists outside of themselves and their own clan because tv and other outside sources set the example of an ideal reality and their own wife husband spouse mate children cousins aunts uncles any family member is full of flaws and misses the ideal of the person they should be

stonewalls people often in order to try to control their behavior

doles out small bits of bread crumbs on rare occasion to show their "love" and "concern" and that they "care" about people in personal life in order to keep the fish on the hook with teeny pieces of bait 

cannot express true intimacy love caring concern for anyone including themselves

empathy is gone lacking void most of the time

sympathy may pop up once in awhile if the victim person or animals has a visible missing limb body part is bleeding blood profusely has a visible injury

invalidates the pain suffering of people known personally yet will feel so soooo sorry for a person in the media, a stranger they don't know and never will when it is in the news that they suffered a loss a disaster 

invalidates by saying "oh its not that big a deal" "you just don't want to do it"   "you have to get used to it (the pain of overdoing something and doing stuff you are not designed to do)" 
"if you really wanted to blank blankety blank then you would ..blankety blank "

"it's not that bad"   "you have it easy"   "other people have it a lot harder than you" 
"you don't deserve...."   

accuses other people of not appreciating, being appreciate, being ungrateful and in ingrate when the fact is they themselves do not truly appreciate anyone or anything

accuses other of not working hard enough

says the self works very hard and no one else works as hard as they do

tries to get most money out of whatever they have for sell and pays the least for whatever they want buy need 

thinks their stuff is worth more than it is

calls other people (NICE PEOPLE) stupid and fool foolish naive a push over 

out to take advantage of anyone (the nice fools) they can get to do their bidding

whatever i am doing says "you have it easy"  " you think everything is free"  "you don't work"  "you don't do anything around here"

compares self to others constantly

always watching what everyone else is doing

constantly looks at media outside to try to figure out what to do best thing 

status appearance the way they look is paramount top prioirity 

wants to appear and look good even perfect to outside world at all times never revealing their true mean nature to strangers neighbors 

vicious mean hateful nasty at home to family mate spouse children anyone that lives with them then suddenly changes to sheepish like and smiling calm nice face as soon as a stranger appears 

pushes other people to the limit yet won't tolerate being pushed in any way shape or form

will throw temper tantrums fit even yelling screaming raising voice throwing things when anything is wrong not going their way or anyone or any animal around does anything they don't like 

chronically complains daily about most things and will not accept any solution to make things better nicer easier more pleasant

accuse own family of being mean evil rotten bad nasty not pleasant when in fact they are being acting bad mean rotten horrible intolerable with unacceptable behavior

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