Friday, June 23, 2023

The Way The System Works

 Abusers don't seek help. Victims do.

Mental behavioral health care center only accepts those coming from the emergency room

Mentally ill people must seek help on their own. Another person who suffers from their abuse can do nothing to make them get help. 

Police will detain a person who commits physical or mental abuse such as a threat to harm a person if the victim files a report.

An order of protection can be filed by the victim who is required to appear in court and face the abuser in court. The accused abuser will face charges in court then the judge determines the punishment and or sentence

The perpetrator abuser will be released back into civilian society after paying bail, paying money for a fine, serving a sentence and will return to the same place or places and or revert to the same or more behaviors that are against the law. The abuser often returns to hurt the same people or more different additional persons and will get by with this abusive behavior for many years until a serious crime is committed such as murder

Verbal emotional mental abuse can occur unreported to authority for many years. It can continue chronically with no punishment, no consequences to the criminal perpetrator while a victim continues to be abused mentally or physically. No one does anything about it. 

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