Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Eats a lot of the following things

fast food restaurants

(throws fit over the price anytime we go to anything other than fast food)

sweetened beverages

ice cream sandwiches/bars, any type of frozen concoction available

indiscriminate lacks self control over snacks or sweets anywhere seen, if seen will put it in his mouth

then nitpicks criticizes a food dish i make out of real food at times saying oh that wasn't cut up small enough; such as the meat or vegetable in if he can't cut the piece up himself

ice cream


packaged snacks : chips, pretzels, sugar coated peanuts

candy bars

premade tuna kit in a can

candy, hard

heavy cakes; carrot is favorite

banana bread

has 2 pieces of bread with high carb meal such as noodle dish

hamburger helper / helper meal kits

snack packs ; meat sausage cheese jerky 

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