Saturday, August 26, 2023

Donald Trump obsession ..... mls

 he is obsessed with donald trump

and he has poor self image of his own body

has tremendous anxiety

high blood pressure

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Thinks the neighbors are watching him when he is the one watching them. Mls

Wits end.. when is it going to end

 Whos going to end first and when?

Whats going to happen, am i to die at his hands or my own?

The why doesnt seem to matter as much anymore...

Question is who whar when how and what can i do when i dont know what to expect.

Rationality and reasoning is impossible, out of the question with a maniacal unpredictable jekyll and hyde antisocial paranoid narc .?

Shady sneaky surely i havent seen all sides of his personality, the person and people existing in his body ...i have no idea how many people are in him..maybe there are many more i dont know about.... whats he do when i am not with him...only he knows that answer unless he suffers from amnesia which is likely.. oh my god....

11 pm august 23, 2023 he threw a fit again. Mls

 I was in my bedroom eating dinner. Waited til he went to bed in the garage before i sat down to eat.

He comes into my room starts in on me throwing a fit again, aggravated he calls it, blames me for starting it when he is the one who came in here, then he said sometimes i feel like strangling you!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

What did you do with MY I BOUGHT THEM

 language usage. use 

talks like this in reference to things

"I put them in the cabinet, where they belong, " I answered.

"You said 'my crackers'. Does that mean they are yours and you don't share?"

Oh I will share them, he said. 

Then why did you say MY crackers?


In reference to me he has said on several occassions ...

"There is A WOMAN in my bed", instead of "YOU are in my bed"

Angers easily HOTHEAD

Sunday, August 20, 2023

My uncle K told me about Rick years ago

 he called him a parasite

uses people, abuses , manipulates

AND it is the absolute truth

He mistreats verbally and physically every woman he is with and has been with

lie cheats steals cons 

lives in the ghetto worse than that

filthy nasty disgusting mess

pissed when the girlfriend attempts to clean up disasters messes he creates any and every where he is

Saturday, August 19, 2023

He does all of these things

And blames me for all of his anger and misery and expects me to happy smiling and look good

Doesnt like reservations or planning trips or activities. Day spontaneity

Doesnt get directions map before prior to leaving

 Doesnt like to use maps on cell phone

Uses gps device plug in car and truck no tracking of location history

Doesnt usually make lists

 Buys same things no thought thinking involved regarding food clothing drinks

Habitual buying

Chicken Little ... The Sky Is Falling

 hard shell

weak soft inside won't admit any fear or weakness, failure, flaw, 

projects it all onto me

Fear Dominates It All

Bottomless Pit is Bully Narcissist

 Tied up to a tree trapped

Imprisoned, choiceless, oak solid tree, dont have much or a choice beliefs believes, stuck, hard, inflexible, closed minddd 

Boxed in 

R I t routine, infkexib look e, stiff, inflexible

Foĺows wh a tever on radio, ads, advertus Ed,  easily swayed inluenced, rig I d, 

Automaton robot, box boxed in, 

Must have leader , power tripm feels powerless, 

Limiting, limits, restrictive, controlling

Squuezes off come causing backflow , fear of letting go maki n g a mess

Limiting beliefs, limits others. Blocks stops, pushes, forces, 

Appears calm stable to public

Traps, trapped,

Feigns fakes knowledge kmowing

obsessed with all knowing powerful appearing people

Voyeur watcher peeper sneaky fear of being caught found out 

What he she says about others is reflection of self projected onto them

Reacts not responds

Cuts off clamps does not want to discuss participate in discussion all escalates into self serving solo one way argument black white thinking, oh the neighbors hate me for smoke burning wood fireplace and he cant stand smoke and hates people for many countless reasons

Believes can think say do whatever he wants disrespecting demands respect not commanding it 

Says what a person wants to hear.... ie what do you want me to say,  what do you think hes thinking, i thought it was the thing to do...out of duty for appearanes only not from love in my heart i dont have any love just desire control ownership entitlement, i dont have to respect anyone especially you the mate spouse 

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Fails to appreciate others and give recognition and praise

 slow obtuse can't understand

won't listen to me about much of anything







money hungry

cheapskate, tightwad


anti social

does things for money, profit, getting something out of it immediately


plotting, scheming, conniving

thinks money is only thing that will make me happy

thinks he knows it all

doesn't like children 

views people as useless eaters, disgusting, fat, stinky, smelly, 


critical, hypercritical

nitpicky, picks at me and everyone else

can't take any comments of criticism, correction about anything from anyone

hates braggarts

confidence from anyone is a threat to him

can't stand heat outside or inside

expects me to work any job close to him or otherwise regardless of conditions or what i have to put up with

blames me and others for bad behavior rage anger fits temper tantrums

can't resist anything desirable in front of him; food, items, any possible thing. has to touch it move it around will not listen to me regarding sticking his fingers in everything like condiments caps wiping off with fingers or containers or substances of any kind

lacks self control

eyes it; wants it

Tells me to get jobs doing stuff he would never do

 such as working where it is boiling hot and miserably cold

places i worked at

auto parts delivery

super flea 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

 I'm not moving somewhere just because it's good for you and your health according to some doctors... said way back in the early 1990s

 I cannot burn incense ever around here him

Candles only allowed in winter and have be what he tolerates. Any scent he doesn't like in candles or anything is not allowed

  He plays music he likes only regardless of the fact that I don't like it.

He uses Pandora and listens to the picks they automatically select for him

On the flip side I can't listen to music I like in the same vicinity as him if he doesn't like


tinder, plenty of fish, okcupid top 3 narc dating sites

3 Dating Sites to Avoid That Are Crawling with Narcissists (

my ex is on pof  plenty of fish  !  hits the nail on the head. thank you

tinder is the one my dead narc friend john mentioned  !!

my ex uses fake last name not his current last name but the one from original father instead


which name would current hub use to register with???

Easy target, easy prey for sex or any other desire or thing wanted

 seeks out easy to get victims

the sweet innocent vulnerable honest usually young

sexual fantasies of narcissists and psychopaths


this hits nail on head with former friend john who was into bdsm sado masochism porn to the max 

looking into possiblity of what has been going on behind my back for years with hub ..

fits perfectly with the exhusband also who commited rape in my sleep for years and watches porn vids constantly of women being raped in their sleep or awake . the ex bought tons of boxes of vhs videos maybe dvds ... according to his former wife. she told me he is obsessed with this shit

they seem to be fascinated with watching and viewing looking at stuff in books magazines vids of any of this graphic material....

my quest is on to find out where he is hiding this cRAP !!!!

omg how horrible 


Inevitably, the sexual fantasy life of narcissists and psychopaths reflects their psychodynamic landscape: their fear of intimacy, misogyny, control freakiness, auto-eroticism, latent sadism and masochism, problems of gender identity, and various sexual paraphilias.

Fantasies which reflect a fear of intimacy involve the aggressive or violent objectification of a faceless, nameless, and sometimes sexless person, often in impersonal, alien or foreign settings (example: narratives of rape.) These usually coalesce with misogynistic erotic storylines in which females are humiliated, coerced into hurtful submission, and subjected to violation and degradation by one or many. Where sadism-masochism, homosexuality, or sexual paraphilias such as pedophilia are present, they are injected into the fantasy and colour its composition and progression.

In his fantasies, the narcissist or psychopath is always in unmitigated control of the environment. The assemblages of bodies and limbs which populate his daydreams – his body included - are minutely choreographed to yield maximum titillation. He is like an exhibitionistic and voyeuristic porn director with an endless supply of well-endowed actors either cowed into compliance or craving it. Naturally, the narcissist’s fantasies are devoid of any performance anxiety or of the need to reciprocate in the sex act by pleasing his anonymous and robotic partners.

Such imaginarium invariably leads to acts of self-stimulation, the ultimate manifestations of auto-eroticism. Even when the narcissist incorporates his real-life partner in his fantasies, he is bound to treat her as a mere prop, a body to masturbate with, in, or on, or an object to be “defiled” in acts such as group sex, swinging (wife-swapping), or outright sexual deviance (examples: urophilia, or coprophilia.) This crude and overt denigration serves to render her a “slut”, or a “whore” in his mind, the kind of woman with whom he can have lustful, emotion-free sex. He reserves love, involvement, and intimacy to sexless “madonna”-type, sexually inaccessible or unattainable women, such as his mother.

The narcissist and psychopath’s sexual promiscuity emerges from underlying problems in gender identity. Many of them are closet bisexuals, cross-dressers, and prone to paraphilias such as pedophilia, fetishism, and sexual sadism or masochism. Some of them try to act out their fantasies and get their partners to assume roles commensurate with their propensities and predilections, however outlandish, illegal, or extreme.

Yet, these glimpses into the thwarted and the demented rarely go down well with their significant others. The narcissist’s self-exposure often elicits reactions of horror, repulsion, and estrangement. No wonder most narcissists don’t even bother to share their fantasies with their “loved” ones. The cerebral narcissist merely retreats to sexual abstinence punctuated by compulsive, porn-fuelled masturbation. The somatic narcissist compulsively hunts for new feminine prey to sacrifice on the insatiable altar of his False Self.

Author's Bio: 

Sam Vaknin ( ) is the author of Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain - How the West Lost the East, as well as many other books and ebooks about topics in psychology, relationships, philosophy, economics, and international affairs.

He is the Editor-in-Chief of Global Politician and served as a columnist for Central Europe Review, PopMatters, eBookWeb , and Bellaonline, and as a United Press International (UPI) Senior Business Correspondent. He was the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory and Suite101.

Visit Sam's Web site at

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Control tactics over the years .....

 stop dancing, stop bouncing in the rooms supposedly due to thinking the house foundation cracks more

way back over 20 years ago

31 years ago : coffee maker machine banned : due to cost of running the appliance

cooking restricted inside the house in any warm weather 

visitors friends family

no babysitting in the house

no meetings mary kay or amway or anyone over at all this started from the beginning 1991 1992

after he said do what you like at the first then it changed into all these rules and regulations of stuff i cannot do

no smells from anything he doesnt like

monitors phone calls by asking who you talking to

probably clocks my mileage more often than i know but he does change the oil in vehicle and tracks it to be sure it is changed around 3 k miles which is very good

Fear dominates him

 and all of the things that coincide

so that which he fears comes upon him

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Food might be causing personality behavior issues/problems. Food equals mood

food is sustenance and determines emotional state and well or not well being 

The mothers diet during her life and pregnancy 

And the childs food intake are imperative and indicative to health state

Understanding A Jekyl and Hyde Personality

Understanding A Jekyl and Hyde Personality

Splitting: Lack of or inconsistent maternal motherly mom care / attention

Saturday, August 5, 2023

 You're weird he says often

Regarding what I think say do






What I am

Is all wrong 

According to him husband Mike Michael

 I eat too much

Talk to much

Breathe too much

Think too much

 Live too much

Deserve nothing

Worthless stupid weird 

 Working collecting stuff top priority

Absolutely no joy especially from me

Eats shit  treats me like shit

Always acting like he has to make me realize anything that is or might be

Ridicules my dance dancing anything I love makes me smile or happy

Deliberately plays music or news or anything I can't stand

Often does anything on purpose he knows I don't like or want

Keeps me from getting certain things I would like

Scared to death of tarot cards

Has money for high dollar stuff he wants

 And I am not to have anything I want 

Suddenly does things and won't tolerate me doing things without warning

Will notice immediately if a female girl woman is wearing any underwear panties

There's a woman in my bed. said that and NOT you are in my bed

 a few years ago when i was watching tv in his room

Friday, August 4, 2023

After event he says i figured that would happen

No one means a damn thing

No accounting. Hates records . Violent when reminded of own words actions

Kills one cant control and own

Gets mad. No tears

Wont or cant cry blows up in anger instead

I know what youre thinking he says often

Delusional delusions


Better than, smarter than, best

Everyone is stupid except him

He knows best

PORN Perfect for unwanted

 and those desiring immediate results and satisfaction

in their imagination they are desirable desired and having sex with all these strangers

great for immature minded esp males who are obsessed with sex and either dont get much or wish they were screwing countless people who would not even look at them in real life

I dont need your comments, input, to hear anything you say !!!!!


What are YOU so happy about ???? What happened? What did you get???

Wants to hang a huge television in front of 4 poster bed. Made the bed with heavy wood

Thrives on war, hate, battle, discord, difficulty

I dont give a f...k what you want

12 sneaky tactics toxic people use to ruin your life

12 sneaky tactics

Shits on anything I say or do or want or like or desire

 the critical criticizing mocking list is many and varied with him

i cannot do much of anything right according to him

he is unable to be pleased 

Any red blooded male would be turned on by and have sex with that

Hates words. Action and appearance speak.

Hates quotations, any philosphy statements because does not understand them

 not even the simplest such as the serenity prayer and

especially the desiderata

has zero comprehension of meaning of an idea that is not a solid material object

Believes in psychics mediums dreams predictions forecasts

 some from the self

some from strangers he doesn't know, never met and will never meet...a lot of these people are dead

Says I am fine when you're not around. It's YOU. YOU are the PROBLEM.

 You piss me off

I can't understand you

You are always doing the wrong things.

I can't stand your personality

Leave me the f...k alone

Go away

Logic is nonexistent concerning social interactions with living beings : people, cats, dogs, most creatures

 can't understand behavior of life forms

easily undestands concrete, metal, inanimate objects, those things are easy to control and manipulate.

He argues word definitions, makes up his own defs

He argues definition of words in websters or any other dictionary...

applies own definition of word

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Will not do fun activities

 No games

No play

Took my bike away because I can't ride it with the seat set too high like he sets it

No golf tennis sports concerts

No entertainment spots ever

No movie theaters

If he ever looks at my face he criticizes it

 Mean look, says I look mad and that I should be mad all the time about the world corruption and mess

Eye makeup noticed immediately

Ignores my smile

Does anything to upset me so I won't smile and be happy

Watches strangers women girls ignores wife

 Won't look at my face when talking

Won't look me in the eyes

Constantly distracted with something else such as the TV the internet the cell phone a thing he is looking at or project working on

Stares at women anywhere else

Watches porn, aerobics , gymnasts, pilates performance by any other females and ignores me unless it is during sex act. Any other time I don't exist

Snacks often on junk

 A nice peaceful meal properly eaten is rare