Thursday, September 21, 2023

Evil family members mother sisters brothers cousins

 marjorie mae, the mother mom of the clan of 10 children she successfully trained to by paranoid and schizophrenic like herself

karen: vindictive constantly had it in for someone, lots of people, me, him, strangers, neighbors, family members, co workers, anyone basically anywhere. one story she told was that she put on her nice face went into the place guys lived she accused of gang raping her and she took their toothbrushes and put them into the toilet bowl scraping it. 
deliberately got pregnant by al, a very nice guy, then accused him of conspiring to murder her and bury her body in the backyard. she accused him of punching, hitting her alot, throwing her on the couch and miscellaneous other accusations of verbal and physical abuse. she in fact was the abusive one, continually threatening others. she had more than one of her 'friends', buddies call us at home and leave messages stating he and she were going to kill us

dorothy chronic complainer. Said you dont exist the first time i met her. Each time around her pulls me off to side tells me how corrupt evil her sister sherry is. 

jerry; attempted murder on his own brother with a knife he whipped out of his pocket while we were out in the country where there was no telephone, electricity no way to contact anyone for help

john: filed lawsuit 8 false allegations against us costing mike 14 thousand dollars in attorney lawyers fees in dallas texas 2010. Karen the sister was in cahoots and was the instigator with alleged wrongdoings . Judge tossed case out of court. John lost. Nothing could be proved because nothing wrong no criminal activities done. Ruining my and husbands life was the goal along with attempting to get all of the 250000 dollars of lawsuit money won from dead sister carol john karen dorothy mike sharon jerrys sister. John and karen wrote accusatory letters of fraud mike working for mafia and other insane lies to mikes boss at work. Sending letters via postal mail fax and packages.

david , cousin. Threatened to burn our house down . Later he committed suicide

Himself threatened muriatic acid spray in neighbor dogs eyes. He picked up handful of dirt with small rocks threw it into dogs face because it was barking at him and said that dog has no right barking at me. 

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