Tuesday, September 26, 2023

i see patterns of behavior similar in certain people i have known

 narcos might be like this

impatient rude 

drawn to politics 

arguments , circular never resolving things, never going anywhere

obsessed with accumulating material things, money

sex obsession often secret in the dark unknown to the world they hide it well from public

appear nice polite to strangers, evil to those close to them\


in a hurry 

have to have it all right now

difficult to think of consequences

hard to plan for the future

hungry, horny, whatever, cant wait want it NOW

screams yells fits at seeing any item tossed out in the trash

has a fit if thinks any object suffers an "injury" yet psychologically tortures people without a thought about what they said or did to hurt the person 

fast food preferred, doesnt want to go to any efforts to make food or clean up the mess afterwars

only thinks about immediate desires wants deeds 

sees things as duties, even things that are supposed to given out of love and appreciation

cant understand why anyone would do amything out of kindness of heart

its all about the money and "equal" exchange... IE : I do this then YOU do that 

believe that "fairness" should exist ON their terms

pushes other people as much as possible 

thinks they have to push people to think or do anything

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