ECM Ed eddie eddy mother uses eddy
january 1981 met him at my work. he was playing pinball machines in the back
of the convenience store where i worked off 350 hwy
it was town & country markets which he named, a sexual reference of course
"tight & creamy"
october 9, 1981 date of marriage
feb 4 1992 divorce final
woke me in middle of night before i had to go to work drove to miami oklahoma to get married.
i was asleep so couldn't think straight.
i went straight to work when we got back
only money spent was to the clerk in oklahoma
which was probably about 20 dollars
got married secretly
lied to mother about being married
she was going to get me wedding dress at sheris bridals
he demanded seeing me in it threw a temper tantrum in the store so ruined it all
i got no dress no party no celebration
no meet the bride party
sneaky criminal
"dont tell anybody"
all about money material things looking good on the outside
sex obsession. porn addiction. one particular preference is watching
videos of rape victims being raped in their sleep which i found by
accident on the laptop computer left at sons house a couple of years ago
interesting because he raped me in my sleep for years then told me a woman
wife cant file charges against her husband for rape
doesn't dance told me my dancing was disgusting yet went to
night clubs adult entertainment places where women walk around basically nude
doing dirty lap dances on men
rude mean humiliating loud obnoxious unkempt
lies constantly
hides money
buys expensive items for himself cars tools household electronics furniture
anything he wants scrimped on me about anything i needed or wanted
Took me a year after being with him before I cried while telling his mom the truth and things he said and did
3 years together I left him filed divorce thanks to my grandparents paid for divorce. lived with them grandma watched my 2 sons while I went to school . 5 months later I went back to him because he came around and then one night picked fight and Grandpa hit him in front yard police called. Ecm climbing the bars on my bedroom window at grandmas house I decided to go back to ecm felt my responsibility to figure out how to get away from him with out hurting my grandparents
MLS mike. mikey nickname from family
july 1991
secret. hiding. sneaky sneaks around. covers up
sneaky criminal. "don't tell anybody." never tell anyone about our sex life.
hides money. Controlling
he told me to do these things, hiding my presence so his mother and sister or the
neighbors wouldnt know i was here......
i parked on the street so no one would know i was here
i came in the north side of the house to the backyard instead of in the front door like normal people would do
feb 21 1998 married. he picked the date not me. why, i dont know later on said "i thought it was
the right thing to do" No reference to LOVE period
told me not to tell anyone except my dad who was the man to give me away at home wedding
then all the sudden his whole family shows up
he told his sisters and all never told me they were coming over
no honeymoon, no celebration or party after home wedding which costs a
whopping 50 dollars
buys expensive items for himself cars tools household electronics furniture
anything he wants scrimped on me about anything i needed or wanted
same as above; sex obsession pornography in private tries to cover it up keep it
a secret from anyone anywhere
neighbor told me he grabbed a bunch of xxx magazines videos paraphenalia out of
the neighbors shed /house which he trespassed over 20 years ago
then her hub stephen told her that he acted like he didnt like the porn
because he didnt want anyone to think he liked such stuff
BOTH addicted to sugar, sweets, lots of snacks, meat, fast food,
ice cream, video tv movie shows
Dictate what I wear clothes out of the house must be very modest
Secretly desires many females in bed, oral sex, me on top,
Appendage the penis has a name and "its own agenda, a mind of it's own"
My food must be just like mothers cooking and fast food he likes
Intro to porn by family members when a teenager. Stuck with them for the rest of their life. Unable to have a friend ship relation normal conversation with any attractive female because it's sexual related
Backwards socially inept fake shyness
Little boy name called by mother and family members
Mentality emotional state of a child or teenagers
Crosses arms across the chest
Don't want to hear me or anyone expressing different opinions of anything, music, hobbies, interests
Games favorite, chess, must win or throw a temper tantrum
Fits thrown over house cleaning furniture being moved food they don't like
Says I can't understand often
Ruins any get together with anyone
Ruins my joy when knowing I am going to do anything like modeling work visit anyone or place destroying happiness at any event party celebration
Makes up stuff to answer questions not always researching for knowledge. It's a way of not admitting he doesn't know. Rarely says I don't know and often gets upset and refuses to listen when I say I don't know.
Says it's not that hard to figure out, it's simple to me, frequently
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