Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Says its not that bad...minimizes every thing, situation, work, job, duties, chores, efforts of me and others

 You dont know what pain is

Youve never had kidney stones

Other women have periods. Its no big deal

Youre 40 years old i dont know what to tell you about men hitting on you. You figure it out. I cant and wont do anything about it.  

Other women work, other women (do all the things you dont do)

Youre lazy! Thats what it amounts to. You dont want to do anything. You figure out ways to get out of any work. You never help me or offer to help. 

What am I supposed to do, worship you and the ground you walk on?

What am I supposed to do, treat you like a queen? Youre not special.

Im not supporting you if you go to school. Youre going to have to work and pay the bills.

Doing the dishes or anything you do is no big deal.

I do everything around here.

Your breath stinks (said beginning at least 30 years ago when i used to smoke or drink, quit drinking 2003 twenty years ago then when my digestive system was a wreck due to ulcers gastritis and duodenitis I was doing all I could to heal myself and all he did was scream your breath stinks use toothpaste and moutwash and brush your tongue. It was ulcers in my stomach and intestines undigested food causing halitosis. He didnt care couldnt understand or believe it. He also blamed my bad breath on coffee , i quit coffee from 2016 to 2020 or 21. Today october 10 2023 he claims we havent been having sex very much for the last 5 years due to me using a vapor cigarette claiming it makes my breath stink. He blames the vapor cig and thinks i began using it 5 years ago when it was actually in 2011 more than 10 years ago.

Constantly has to come up with something bad i supposedly do to blame me for his bad behavior. He has been drinking tequila rum wine beer all kinds of different sodas fruit drinks gatorade store bought premade sweetened tea and other beverages including mixers like mrs ts bloody mary mix he uses with vodka..you name it he drinks it.  He eats a huge amount of junk chips candy cookies donuts cakes muffins honey roasted peanuts snack bars swiss rolls buddy bars candy assortments God only knows what all he eats that i dont know about.  

Accuses me of flirting when i talk to anyone

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