Saturday, March 30, 2024

chris died the old next door neighbor 2023 july

initials rcr

 last years ended up staying in the house watching tv screaming yelling at top of his lungs full of hatred for trump and was constantly calling people derogatory names like stupid and lepton

porn some of the worst kinds addiction

did play music guitar very good at remembering songs

into grateful dead, obsessed with 

and bob dylan

name dropper associated with some well known famous people

eating 2 whole chickens in one sitting

prior to liver and kidney failure . ended up on dialysis

overate, drank various kinds of liquor especially expensive brands 

talked with a high type overly nice phony voice at times then switched to evil hatred in a second

ate massive bread baguette with fake butter margarine

impatient, wouldnt stand in line at a store anywhere, ended up not shopping at all

woman who lived with him told me he couldn't perform sexually at all. she was continually trying to make things better nice happier and she was sweet kind and thoughtful of others and he would question everyone and not anyone around. chris was content to sit at home and complain and bitch about the world. he took his anger and frustrations out on her . she ended up dying march 2022 and she had cancer unknown to her 

he was secretive about his money situation financial status and paranoid 

vengeful, vindictive, thought life is shit and most people are stupid shithead assholes which is exactly what he acted like towards to public world. he would be nice when i came over and would act nice when he wanted something repaired by my husband.

preferred to pay cash for things

never married but said loved many different women

never had kids/children

his mother was an alcoholic, dad/father was a lawyer attorney

his mother died when he was in his teens or 20s

was concerned about what the neighbors think, other peoples views just like mls

fast food like burger king

made and lived in own world of hell

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