Friday, June 7, 2024

Control Freaks.. Narcs

 They are always trying to read my face

trying to figure out what I am thinking and feeling and what I am
going to do then control my thoughts and actions

 by telling me 

"YOU shouldn't...."

"You SHOULD........"

"Here is what needs to be done... and you OUGHT to be doing this and that."
(NOT what I am working on at the moment, NOT what I have already planned on doing)

do this, do that.. whatever I am doing at the moment is wrong 

they believe I should only do things that suits them 

as if they are in charge of not only me but anyone around 

The parent Dictator. SO I OUGHT TO quit acting that way myself.  
NEVER TELL someone else what they ought to do..

QUESTIONS. Badgering me with questions about any and everything, even simple stuff that doesn't need to be asked. This begins most "arguments", battles, fights as they act like they have the right to know all and then dictate what I can and cannot do

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