Sunday, July 30, 2023

THE CRITIC. Chronic critical, criticism. THE JUDGE. Judgmental

NO holds barred on mouth words said and CANNOT take any type of criticism 

your breath stinks

you're dripping, it's dripping water

your bra is crooked

your back is crooked

spot on your face

i don't like your personality

your ass butt is showing 

food i make: the pieces of meat or vegetables are too big

it has too much chili powder, it gives me heartburn

it is bland. i like things that taste good (lots of salt, msg, artificial ingredients is what he is used to. acting like he can't spice up food the way he wants to or cut the stuff up himself. )

you're late. you're always late. you are never on time

you sold that too cheap, didn't get enough money, let things go for nothing

you talk too much

you have raise the seat up high on bicylce

you have the steering wheel too close

you have the mirros adjusted wrong

anything beats a blank get a job anywhere doing anything close to home

Thursday, July 27, 2023

dug himself into a hole cave of media fake shit not real life reality

would rather watch it on tv than real life live the thing

cute little maid outfit or similar clothing instantly does it every time

 he told me this

and acts upon it

so i dress carefully now

self restraint not practiced

 neither orally verbally mentally physically

cant keep hands off stuff things .. accordingly probably people, too

does not know definition of virtue, i printed them out and still doesnt understand

 several years ago i printed them out

he still has no clue

and continues to practive the

7 deadly sins 

and not the 7


the pussy, he said is the main thing.. getting back in there

 cant understand how he could get it for free from one who loves him

has to discover for the self. be the first to know.. to realize... rarely realizes and emphasizes that i need to realize stuff i already realize

thinks he knows what other people deserve

best thing in life..he said ..s e x.

 then says does horrible things to not get it

does he down deep believe he doesnt deserve it??

said 'i dont know what youre doing with me, youre beautiful...' when first moved in here

here to spread shit around and negativity

here to criticize disrupt slam assault attack force ridicule

perfectly clean sex is solo

 cant stand making a mess or leaving one

wont let it go freely

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

He mimics mirrors reflects things he sees in the news

 just like sister karen

uncle norman

brother john

other family members jerry sherry dorothy

donald trump is the obsession so he acts just like him probably believing this is the ultimate display of power control intelligence manliness as if this is the way to be, the ideal model of a man ................considering he did not have much of an example of being a man from his own father who was schizophrenic shot up with thorazine given electric shock treatments therefore medical doctors pretty much finished him died in 1976 i think

Monday, July 24, 2023

Cookies candy bars chips daily eaten

 He calls it piecing around which is their family habit way of eating bits all thru the day.

No ons wants to appear as if they eat too much, be a pig, they all say. 

Youre crazy!! Carol said to karen back in 1992 1993 1994

 The sister of his that might have been somewhat sane named carol..

Karen s was bona fide ocd paranoid schizo psychotic

He ends the day with something nasty to say about me.. again

 And today he visited his only living 2 himself., again. I havent seen them in 2 or more years..he doesnt ask me to go and gives me no advance notice,leaves at spur of if doesnt want me to see or talk to sherry or dorothy...

 He appeared calmer than usual when i got home tonight but came into my bedroom right before he went to bed and criticuzed me saying piles of stuff around to trip over cant even use bed in middle bedroom and you talk about cleaning... snotty condescending voice.

I wonder where all he actually went today.. the google map history mi g t show some may not show all if i remember to try to look at it tomorrow,


Narcissistic Supply – Complete Guide (Defined & Examples) – Psychopaths In Life

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Narcissistic Supply – Complete Guide (Defined & Examples)

Written by admin  in Narcissism

Narcissistic supply is term often banded about is discussion of narcissism and narcissists, but what exactly does it mean to newcomers to the topic? What is narcissistic supply? What are some examples of it, and how does it affect a narcissist’s identity?

Narcissistic supply can be defined as anything which reinforces a narcissist’s false, grandiose sense of self. It is the “food” or “fuel” by which a narcissist props up their very fragile identity, and can often revolve around some confirmation from their environment about how great, special or unique they are.

In other words, narcissistic supply is the psychological “food” that narcissists NEED to prop themselves up and present as a confident, “put together” person to the world.

It is not an exaggeration to say that narcissists have an addictive relationship with supply, to the extent that whenever it isn’t there anymore, or is withdrawn, they can often slump into a state of depression and start attacking others to re-inflate themselves.

Therefore, the entire concept of narcissistic supply is crucial to understanding the narcissistic personality in general. It is a foundation or cornerstone on which their very fragile and broken personality is built.

Once you understand narcissistic supply, you understand narcissists, which is why we’re going to cover it in real detail in this guide – what it is, examples of it, and what happens when narcissists lose their supply.

What Is Narcissistic Supply?

The supply model of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) is the best way to understand the disorder. It basically states that narcissists are constantly looking for some form of supply from other people, which confirms one of two things:

How they’re so beautiful, clever, bright, funny, exceptional and special. Some kind of admiration/adoration/attention.

How other people (or one target scapegoat individual or group in particular) is stupid and dumb, which makes them feel superior and “full” by comparison

With narcissists, it’s all about context rather than content, image rather than substance, effect rather than reality, and the concept of narcissistic supply is one more example of this.

Narcissists feed off interpersonal attention and power dynamics, and also the emotional reactions of others. Anything that feeds tham any of these things is feeding them narcissistic supply, and propping up their grandiose but fragile sense of self

Some Different Types Of Narcissistic Supply

The “top grade” narcissistic supply is the type that reinforces the narcissist’s grandiose self image.

This can take many different forms; here are just some of them (list is not exhaustive):




Love (but they never really love you back)


Being feared

Control or power over others.

Constantly being validated and affirmed in their twisted worldview 100% of the time.


Fame (and the “VIP/celebrity status” that often comes with it)

Social proof

Sexual attention.

A sense of special-ness, uniqueness and perfection.

A sense of being the best/number 1/top dog in some field or environment

A sense of being the smart, enlightened one, while everyone around them is a stupid, inferior servant.

Constant silly-ness and back and forth humor, jokes, memes, and being fed constant entertainment, as long as they’re the center of attention.

A back and forth implicit arrangement where you’ll always agree on stuff and never disagree or challenge any of his/her obvious character deficits.

Then there are some forms of narcissistic supply that I would class as “low grade”:

I’ve seen how alcohol can act as a low level form of narcissistic supply. Narcissists can be alcoholics or other addicts, and it’s also been noted by astute observers that many narcissists became worse (not better) in their toxic behaviors once they gave up drinking. Their drinking, however dysfunctional, at least kept some of their narcissism at bay, and taking it away from them actually made them more abusive.

It’s also possible that consuming various forms of entertainment (TV, movies etc) can act as a very low level form of narcissistic supply, at least keeping their boredom at bay. Narcissists can become very restless if there’s nothing at all to distract them.

Narcissists & Supply Explained in 2 Minutes


And then the more toxic forms of supply that involve a disparaging or negative evaluation of a person or group that makes them feel superior and “full” by comparison:

In the discard or toxic phase of a relationship with a narcissist, this is when they’ll start hammering away at all the “buttons” or psychological weaknesses or insecurities of the other person, that they have “clocked” and stored away for later use if needed. Their aim is to generate, and feed off, negative emotional reactions in the target.

In social situations, overt narcissists often like to be the loud-mouthed bully, singling out and picking on an easy target (via insults, belittling, jokes etc) to ingratiate themselves to the rest of the group (in their eyes at least).

In situations where fellow narcissists are competitors and rivals in a certain sphere, any of them can be fed supply by hearing anything disparaging about their rival (especially ultra-competitive male narcissists).

In work environments, narcissist bosses or co-workers will often have a scapegoat member of staff who they always belittle and automatically blame for anything that goes wrong, regardless of actual facts.

In retail environments, a resident narcissist customer will have a favorite target or scapegoat they’ll always belittle and attack as a way to inflate themselves.

Narcissists will often be racists and xenophobes, constantly having a “pet hate” they keep going on about regarding a particular race or type of immigrant into a country (I knew one narcissist that would never shut up about “those Eastern European criminals coming over here” blah blah blah.)

See here for more on how to intentionally and strategically feed supply to a narcissist, to keep them inflated and to avoid them attacking you instead.

Why Do Narcissists Depend So Much on Supply?

Defining narcissistic supply and giving some example is interesting, but some readers may ask “why is it that narcissists are even so addicted to this supply? What happened to them that made them constantly need this?”

To understand why narcissists are supply addicts, it’s important to understand how the narcissistic personality forms and how broken it is.

As a caveat, it’s fair to say that a lot is still unknown about narcissism, and views on the formation of it differ, but a plenty good enough working model that explains well enough how the majority of narcissists are formed is the Sam Vaknin/Richard Grannon school of thought on NPD (Vaknin in particular is an authority on this, having been diagnosed as a narcissist twice, and has huge knowledge of personality disorders in general).

Narcissism is often thought to originate from excessive un-boundaried spoiling and objectification in childhood, or else from an alternating pattern where one parent berates and abuses, whilst the other spoils the child to try and compensate.

Common motifs here are a message of “you’re special” (in excess), “you’re important”, “you’re superior”. Sometimes there may be over the top messianic talk of the child’s “mission” or “purpose”, or of being “sent by God”.

If this happens over a prolonged period of time, it will crush the real self and identity of the child. An image is being projected onto them that isn’t real.

The common factor here is objectification – whether being abused or idealized, the child is treated not as a real human being but as an object to be used for the parent’s gratification.

Over time the child’s real self is discarded, and a “narcissistic shell” self is presented to the world in it’s place.

The real human emotions of the child are also hidden away inside the narcissistic shell.

Over time, these authentic emotions atrophy and die inside the shell.

From this point on, you have full blown NPD, where the person can engage and interact with others in a seemingly normal way on the surface, but where there are no real human emotions left.

NPDs are then simply robots operating from a series of defense mechanisms designed to prop up their false, grandiose, shell self. They are constantly seeking “supply” from others to do this.

The corollary of this is that they are psychologically allergic to any kind of real, authentic emotions or human engagement. As Vaknin himself points out, narcissism can be seen as a denial of the true self

In short, the ego structure, personality and general identity of full blown narcissists is so broken, fragmented and fragile, for the reasons mentioned above, that they need constant sources of reinforcement or supply to keep their identity afloat psychologically.

This is evidenced by the fact that whenever they don’t get this supply for a long enough time, they start to fall apart psychologically, and that’s when the more toxic side of them can start to manifest. We’ll cover this in a section further below. But that in brief is why narcissists are so desperate for constant “supply” to prop themselves up.

Cerebral vs Somatic Narcissism & Narcissistic Supply

It can also be useful to break the entire concept of narcissistic supply down into categories based on how and where a narcissist draws their supply.

Different types of narcissists draw their supply from different aspects of themselves.

To explain this more, we’ll use personality disorder expert Sam Vaknin’s distinction between cerebral and somatic narcissism.

Cerebral narcissists generate their supply by applying their minds (intellect, wit, humor etc). Examples could be narcissist academics and intellects, math geniuses (like Vaknin), or just narcissists who draw their supply from being seen as funny, sharp, witted, quick, entertaining etc.

Somatic narcissists generate their supply by applying their bodies (beauty, fitness, sports, sex etc). Examples could be physically attractive narcissists (including models, celebrities etc), exceptional sports athletes (Tiger Woods as an example), sexually promiscuous narcissists, etc.

I would also add that STATUS is a really important source of supply for narcissists, whether they’ve achieved this through cerebral or somatic skills. Narcissists often have their sense of self really wrapped up in their status in a particular environment or profession.

Wherever a narcissist draws their supply from will become a significant ego-investment for them, and is therefore a weak spot for them psychologically, because they will be vain about that particular thing. Their (very fragile) ego is wrapped up in it.

Therefore attacking this aspect of them is a good way to cause them narcissistic injury, by deflating their grandiose self image. Causing narcissistic injury to a narcissist is almost like the opposite of feeding them supply

Overt vs Covert Narcissism & Narcissistic Supply

Another useful distinction to make on the concept of narcissistic supply is to distinguish between overt and covert narcissists, and their relationship to narcissistic supply.

The overt narcissist is the hyper extroverted, loud, apparently confident narcissist.  The covert narcissist is often the quieter, more withdrawn, passive and less initially obvious type of narcissist.

The differing traits of these two types of narcissist is directly related to their relationship with the supply they get:

Overt narcissists – Some of the more overt narcissists are so overt (out-front) with their narcissism because they have a good/reliable supply of it – everyone in their environment is constantly reinforcing their false sense of self, and there are enough different sources of supply that they’re never usually short of it. It can often take longer for these people to fall into depletion.

Covert narcissists – By contrast, the more hidden or covert narcissist (referring to in the literature as the fragile or vulnerable narcissist) is more covert precisely because their supply is not so secure or reliable; perhaps they only get it in sporadic intervals, or from less people. These types of narcissists are often more noticeably fragile and deflated, and can fall into depletion more quickly. Think about the covert narcissist boss who everyone hates and realizes is a narcissist and is useless at his job. No one in his environment is reinforcing his fake sense of self, so it’s much easier for him to feel deflated. He isn’t getting a reliable source of supply.

To use a simple analogy, the overt narcissist is akin to the drug addict who has a steady, stable, reliable source of supply, and the best quality as well, to feed their addiction. They’ve got nothing to worry about. The covert narcissist in contrast is analogous to the drug addict who has a very patchy, unstable, inconsistent source of supply, and not always very good quality when it comes either. They are much more anxious and uncertain as to where their next “fix” is coming from.

However, regardless of context, all narcissists will eventually start to feel deflated and depressed psychologically at some point if they start to lose their sources of supply. Let’s look at the different ways they can react when this happens.

What Happens When A Narcissist Loses Their Supply?

Now we get to what drives the really unpleasant aspect of narcissists and their behavior. When they’ve got their supply, everything’s going well, they’re on top of the world. They can be tolerable and even sometimes enjoyable people to be around.

But what happens when this all turns south? (it always will and must eventually). What happens when the narcissist isn’t getting their usual level of supply or psychological “food” or reinforcement?

This is when narcissists turn nasty. When someone isn’t prepared to be their humble slave anymore, an unquestioning provider of supply, or external circumstances change against them, then they start to fall apart psychologically, and you see their toxic side starting to come out. It’s sometimes referred to as a narcissist falling into depletion.

Here are some things a narcissist will do when they are losing supply:

Rageful, vindictive outbursts


Ignoring and silent treatment.

More covert sniping and subtle digs.

Gaslighting – where they try to invert and flip reality, claiming things didn’t happen when they did, or vice versa.

Projection – where they suddenly start accusing you of things they’re doing themselves. Like cheating, lying or stealing.

Suddenly attacking your appearance, competence or opinions at every opportunity. Trying to plant self doubt and uncertainty in you.

They may launch smear campaigns against you in social or work circles, spreading lies and false rumors about you to others, making you out to be crazy or a troublemaker.

In a work environment, will often start attacking you and chipping away at your confidence.

Deliberately trying to embarrass and undermine you in front of others.

Alternating in a mean-sweet pattern of abuse, sometimes being nice and other times being insulting and nasty.

In romantic relationships, may openly start flirting and cheating with other people. Cheating will be especially common if their main source of supply was sexual attention. They’ll just move onto someone else.

If there isn’t outright cheating, they’ll at least start comparing you unfavorably to other people in conversation to plant self doubt and insecurity.

More generally, there’s in increase in drama and conflict if you’re in a relationship with them. You will feel your anxiety, annoyance and rumination start to increase – that’s what they want.

Paranoia and suspicion are also not uncommon in narcissists once they lose their supply. They start to think the world is out to attack them as their bubble has been burst.

These provocative and reaction seeking traits emphasize how the narcissists feeds off the emotional reactions of others (as do all the Cluster B disorders). If they can’t get supply off someone via positive engagement, they’re happy to do so via negative engagement (provocation, drama, conflict).

Or alternatively, the narcissist may simply discard the person and move onto other people:

The toxic person may simply break off all contact with the victim with no explanation or excuse. Designed to cause maximum pain by leaving victims without any answers and feeling the whole relationship was inconclusive and unfinished.

May break off openly with a cruel, dismissive, cold message or conversation.

May cheat openly without even trying to hide it, then blame you for them cheating to add to the insult.

They will often wave new partners, friends and work associates in your face, either in person or on social media, trying to portray how much fun they are having with these new people now they ditched you, as they begin the cycle all over again with someone else. It’s all about mind games.

See our full article on what happens when a narcissist loses their supply for more on this topic.

Therefore, being around a narcissist when they aren’t getting their usual supply isn’t usually a nice experience. I saw this first hand with a narcissistic boss who ran a retail shop. When it as doing well, everything was great. It was the number one shop in the area, and this fed him supply (narcissists love being, and being seen as, Number 1/best/top dog in any environment or field. It feeds their grandiosity and ego). He had very little to do with the success itself, since he was incompetent in his job – he just got given an easy shop with good customers and good team, that largely ran itself. But he was happy to take the plaudits for the success. And he was at least tolerable, and sometimes even nice while he was getting fed his supply via the shop’s success.

However, once things started to turn downward, he literally started to disintegrate psychologically (he was a more fragile narcissist ). Lock-downs reduced footfall, he lost some good customers (sometimes due to his own behavior), and suddenly the shop wasn’t hitting targets, and was nowhere near number one in the region. He’d lost the supply he was drawing from the “number 1” status.

This is when he started turning nasty. Before, he was at least tolerable, sometimes fine. Now, he was bad tempered, fragile, irascible, picking fights with staff and customers, and also more confused and disordered in his (already limited) ability to do his job. He also started really attacking others, trying to find and blame scapegoats for the shop not hitting targets (when his own poor service and skills had driven away customers and staff), and continually pestered the area manager to “reduce” his targets, so he could hit the lower target and still be “number 1”. In short, he collapsed into a total mess!

It really brought home to me the concept of narcissistic supply, because I could see how the shop’s success effectively fed him “supply” and kept his fragile narcissism afloat, and how quickly his ego and sense of self deflated as soon as it wasn’t succeeding to the extent he couldn’t draw narcissistic supply from it any more.

It was also an instructive lesson to me of how fragile narcissists are (despite external shows of confidence and bluster), how externally driven and influenced they are, how shaky the foundation is on which their (broken) personality is built. This is especially more so with fragile/vulnerable/covert narcissists, versus overt narcissists, who seem to have their act together more.

But ALL narcissists are a toxic, disordered mess inside, regardless of how they present to others. It’s just some are better able to cover it than others, plus some get more (and more reliable) supply from their environment than others to conceal it.

New E-Book Coming – A-Z Glossary Guide on Cluster B abuse, designed for newcomers to the topic. Click here join the list to be notified on release.

Starving A Narcissist of Supply (Gray Rock)

It should also be said that taking supply off a narcissist is something that can be done intentionally by someone, as a way of “boring them off”, of getting rid of them.

Once it clicks how narcissists are hungry ghosts in constant need of supply, it’s possible to deliberately not feed them this supply, as a way of minimizing contact and drama with them, and encouraging them to move on to other people to get their “fix”

In the narcissistic relationship space, this is sometimes called the Gray Rock tactic, because you’re being as dull, lifeless, non dramatic and boring as possible (everything the narcissist doesn’t want), like a gray rock.

Here are some examples of gray rock tactics to starve a narcissist of supply:

Be deliberately boring, dull, businesslike and uncommunicative with the narcissist whenever engaging.

Keep interactions short and sweet, and withdraw as soon as possible.

If there’s specific thing you know they draw narcissistic supply from (eg. belittling or feeling superior to others), don’t feed it to them.

Don’t feed them any sillyness or entertainment. Stay dull and humorless.

Don’t reveal anything personal, private, sincere or vulnerable to them. Or anything they can manipulate or use against you. Keep to dull, dry, meaningless factual observations (“oh, that cloud over there seems a bit more grey than the others” – stuff like that).

Don’t provide them with any drama, nor get sucked into any of their drama.

Don’t rise to any of their attempts to annoy, provoke or upset you. When it’s clear they’re saying something to you with the intent to wind you up or upset you, respond in a bland, boring way that doesn’t even acknowledge that (tactical naivety). Pretend you don’t even know that’s what they’re doing.

Ignore any of their attempts to attack you for this new behavior.

In cases where you must communicate with a narcissist long term (eg. when children are involved), all communication is kept as brief, boring and non dramatic as possible. Use as few words as possible in responses and don’t be drawn into lengthy engagement, disengaging from interactions with them as soon as possible.

See our full article on how to use Gray Rock tactics to starve a narcissist of supply for more information and examples.

It’s best to mention however that these gray rock tactics are often best implemented gradually and slowly, so the narcissist doesn’t notice what you’re doing. Too quickly, and they’ll notice the sudden change and start attacking you.

“The NPD feeds off drama. Or they seem to. What they’re actually feeding off is your emotional response. Because your emotionality and you’re “upset-ness” in their heads is directly proportionate to how much you care about them, and how much you care about them is directly proportionate to how much power they have over you.

When you’re a gray rock, you’re dull and lifeless. Yes, you respond, but there’s no drama there, and you’re not showing them that you’re upset, but you are responding. You’re just a boring thing – they’ll go away. Eventually, they will go away. They have to. These people are (supply) addicts. They’re hungry ghosts. That hungry ghost will float away and find someone else who’s going to give them what it is they’re really (craving) for.”

Richard Grannon

Narcissists Attempting To Reconnect With Old Sources Of Supply (Hoovering)

This is another crucial facet of the narcissistic personality, and their addiction to supply, that can actually leads to them circling back and attempting to rekindle former relationships (especially romantic ones), sometimes months or even years after it ended.

This doesn’t happen with all narcissists – some of them never speak to former lovers/friends again after they discard them, and it’s literally like they’re dead to the narcissist. However, in some cases, they will come sniffing round again, trying to reconnect and re-establish the relationship.

This actually often puzzles the person being recontacted – it often feels weird to them and they wonder what is going on with the narcissist. The energy the narcissists bring with them often feels “icky” and strangely nice and attuned, but in a way that still feels “off” and confusing to the other person. It may feel like that there’s an angle or agenda there, and there is!

This may seem strange at first; however, once you understand the concept of narcissistic supply, it’s actually very straightforward and predictable that they sometimes do this, and even why they do it. They’re romanticizing about, and seeking to rekindle, old sources of narcissistic supply.

The reasons for them re-contacting ex partners or friends boils down to their addictive need for supply, so here’s a bottom line explanation as to why they do this:

They’re re-idealizing their old source of supply they got from the person. There was something about it that they liked, and they want to see if they can get it again.

Their current source of supply from the people around them at the moment is low, or has gone. Perhaps someone else has seen through their BS and discarded them as well, so now they’re addicts again in need of a fix.

A combination of the above two factors.

“The narcissist drank all your “milkshake” and then moved onto someone else to drink their “milkshake”. But after a while they remember what your “milkshake” was like and they want to come back and try it again”

Richard Grannon

This tactic is sometimes called “hoovering” in the narcissistic abuse recovery space, because they’re (manipulatively and insincerely) trying to suck or “hoover” the person back into engaging with them.

Here are some commons things narcissists will do when trying to “hoover” others back in to top up their supply:

They’ll contact you again out the blue on social media or by text, email or some other means. This is why no contact is important to stop them doing this.

They’ll go back to the seemingly innocent, sweet, caring image if this is what they initially reeled you in with.

They may issue seemingly heartfelt apologies about how sorry they are about how they hurt you.

There will be promises that the cheating, gas-lighting, projection, lying etc. won’t happen again.

If you had been trying to get them to go to therapy because of their toxic behavior, they’ll promise to get help if you take them back.

Any other changes in their behavior that you wanted them to make first time but they never did, they’ll latch onto these and promise to do them now, or claim they are “growing/changing/evolving/self aware” now when they haven’t changed at all.

The general message and energy they’ll try to hoover you back in with is “I’ll be the person you always wanted me to be”. Or “this time I’ll do what you want, this time I’ll get it right”, “this time you can fix/change me” or “just one more chance, one more time”.

If you do take them back, they’ll keep up these apparent changes for a short while, then drop them and go straight back to the old, obnoxious, abusive patterns.

Bottom line – if you are one these people the narcissist recontacts and attempts to charm again, do not let them back in or given them another chance. They’re attention and supply addicts, and are not sincere in their intentions.

Hoovering from the narcissist (just one more chance)


The good news on this is that understanding the entire concept of narcissistic supply very effectively demystifies this entire “hoovering” process. It also helps you to see how fragile and broken the narcissistic personality is, how addicted they are to this “supply”, and how insincere and self serving they are.

It’s much easier to see through a narcissist’s attempts to draw you back in, and dismiss them accordingly, once you understand how desperately they need feeding this supply, and the lengths they’ll go to to get it.


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7 things narcissists do when they lose control over you


7 things narcissists do when they lose control over you

1. a fauxpology fake apology sorry..i am sooo sorry that you're hurting. without change in their behavior

2. hoover discard be on best behavior. 

3. chance encounter; plans to show up where they think you usually show up and do. they do it because they know they can trigger you

4. emotional manipulation and blackmail. try to play on your empathy and play victim like you have done something wrong..try to get you to question yourself..

5. make false accusations. such as being a narc, gaslighting, overreact exaggerate your behavior of things you are not actually doing...set you up to try to explain and defend yourself..manipulation and control, to intimidate you

6.  the smear campaign  .. can start with false accusations. purpose to discredit you so people wont believe you and to get a reaction out of you...if you fight the guiltier you look so dont fight..they want to shut you up keep you quiet....

they want your fight

7. threaten you...any kind of threat

such as expose you, making something up, saying you can get in really big trouble if this comes out and people know this about you, 

want to strike fear in your heart

taking something away from you such as fight for custody over children 



sex is sucking life out of him. not a mutual exchange of love




cave springs park / william klein 

dollar tree


chevy duty

sisters house sherry/sharon, dorothy



raytown lawn mower

fast food restaurants


 1 moves fast, bus or personal

2 says soul mate right away

3 say ex is crazy

4 loves everything you love (pretends) mirrors you (good at reading people)

mastery at manipulation

5 tell you a sob story get you to feel sorry for them..horrible childhood, life hasn't been fair to them you will empathize and have compassion for them. to see if you are good source of narc supply for them

6 trust your gut  you will feel something is odd...will say perfect things to you until they lock you in..............then

the abuse starts

 Narcissistic Supply – Complete Guide (Defined & Examples) – Psychopaths In Life

Admits beauty of female determines what she can get

Dole out little bits: bread crumbs every once in awhile

 thinks he has control and been nice by doing so

gives some money or material things but not time spent together unless doing what he wants

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Does not make plans to do anything with me. Jumps and runs at moments notice

 and expects me to jump at what he wants immediately without warning

this way he keeps himself free to do exactly what he feels like doing at any moment , feeling free and not tied down to me or anyone or thing else

Likes looking at porn dirty sex sluts other women not me

 obsessed with and fantasizes screwing  with other women

is disgusted if i look nice, dance, dress in any way skimpy that looks like the whores he looks at in magazines videos movies any other fashion including in person

i am supposed to be the covered up 'virginal' or 'matronly' old woman appearance

is this the virgin whore complex some men have that i heard about ?

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Acts like he told me things he never did, does often

 Crazy making

Gets info from anyone anywhere esp says told me

Pathetic whiner

Calls me stupid and a fucking idiot

 And frequently daily calls most people stupid and fucking idiots 

scopes out all of the neighbors

 Befriends them 

Keeps me in the dark most of the time.

Gravitates Downward : It's All Bad

 it's all going downhill, spirals into hell

mean, hatred, disgust

attracted to filthy rotten things, people, places

talks alot about the nasy shit and trashy losers people in the world

says people are out to get whatever they can

will do things like steal lie cheat when no one is looking

afraid of getting caught doing the same bad things they accuse others of doing

Shit show, Crap Connection, Creep Show

Requires proof, constant validation. Ignores all blessings/ good things

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Worries about HOW

Shitball ..instead of snowball

Mudslinger. Shit thrower. Shit crap snowball

 the disaster is coming

the world is in terrible shape

nothing is every easy

That won't work. I can't believe it. I don't believe it. It's all a bunch of crap

 frequently said

attitude is BAD

Life isn't fair. Says often

 it's just not fair

poor little me 

i always get the short end of the stick

Throws shit on everyone and every thing

Suspicious, distrustful. Expects worst out of people, situations

 everyone is out to get him you me and anyone all  of us

People are up to no good

they will cheat lie steal take advantage of at any opportunity

rip off , rip you off

Starts day out in bad mood

 looking for things wrong

then continues throughout the day escalating and emphasizing more and more bad things all day long through the afternoon and evening escalating 

until late at night before bed when the shit is at the worst  !!!

Abuse after knowing i wont leave

After baby born

After commitment

After pregnancy

After marriage

FOOL thinks she is forever there, bound to him, cant leave, unable to or wont go

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Psychics, mediums, ufos, beyond sci fi, fantasy, illusion



outrageous news sources often noted by major sites that they contain fake false phone information not based upon truth and cannot be proven

edgar cayce

douglas james cottrell and his assistant

only attracted to outside sources not personally known by him. if it is family member or any other person close to him he ignores almost everything they say and feel, if it comes from the media via any outlet tv radio televison internet book mag then he sucks up the information believing it is true


Interferes with house cleaning, blocks it stands in the way

Perfect female or male partner wanted yet fails to work on self

can't be fixed by anyone but the self

Brings the trash I throw out back into the house

Believes has to have the money first instead of the desire first

Eats a lot of the following things

fast food restaurants

(throws fit over the price anytime we go to anything other than fast food)

sweetened beverages

ice cream sandwiches/bars, any type of frozen concoction available

indiscriminate lacks self control over snacks or sweets anywhere seen, if seen will put it in his mouth

then nitpicks criticizes a food dish i make out of real food at times saying oh that wasn't cut up small enough; such as the meat or vegetable in if he can't cut the piece up himself

ice cream


packaged snacks : chips, pretzels, sugar coated peanuts

candy bars

premade tuna kit in a can

candy, hard

heavy cakes; carrot is favorite

banana bread

has 2 pieces of bread with high carb meal such as noodle dish

hamburger helper / helper meal kits

snack packs ; meat sausage cheese jerky 

Monday, July 17, 2023


Expects to be waited on immediately by me, servers waiters waitresses at restaurants

anyone working anywhere ; stores auto parts retail convenience utility companies government offices

expects immediate responses with all things; driving the car, gets pissed at other drivers has road rage against others for their driving the music they play in their own vehicles 

telephone calls; expects a person to answer right away 

grades the waitress on how fast and accurate she served him disregarding any circumstances at the restaurant such as how busy it is how many customers his or her status 


Everyone is the enemy, especially me

Devoid of logic

 cannot reason with

can't understand social basics

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Has to know where I am at all times

 The Dark Triad: Are We Gaslighting Ourselves About Narcissism? - Kim Saeed

 13 Unsettling Things Narcissists Do When They Think No One Is Looking - Kim Saeed


 FIRST MET HIM in uncles junkyard. APPEARED good looking body, calm, nice, patient, kind,sweet...

it is all fake front

MOTHER FANATIC jehovah's witness. Mother attacked me accusing me of stealing her stuff exactly like she did to all 10 of her children. 

sister KAREN beautiful face rotten inside to the core. mean hateful jealous spiteful psycho, paranoid, accusing people everywhere is death threats physical and mental abuse when she was the one doing the abuse

sister DOROTHY "you don't exist" upon my first meeting. he said NOTHING in my defense

brother JOHN "do you think people use each other?" first thing out of his mouth to me.

sister SANDY nice nurse appearing kind thoughtful empatethic

sister CAROL looks nice beautiful kind however the microwave gossip station of family . i think she did mean well. dead in 2001 from cancer treatment

brother JERRY 

sister SHARON / Sherry appeared NICE kind at first meeting. discovered over years she is mean vengeful treated the friendly nice empathetic kind husband like shit. ended up divorced. she ran him off (just like her mother ran off the father)


Friday, July 14, 2023

Tells me I think everything is easy He believes everything is hard/difficult and I am just LAZY

Loads up on eats junk food snacks sugar drinks sweets alcholic drinks beverages

 daily snack food eaten . it lays on the kitchen/dining room table and i cant remove it he puts it right back on the table

chips especially the flavored ones rarely plain potato chips

premade store bought dip 



donut holes

prepackaged snack cakes, granola bars

sugar honey coated roasted peanuts

premade nut mixes that have sugar coated stuff in them

frozen waffles


artificially flavored strawberry syrup added to glass of milk

candy bars snickers baby ruth 

unknown other junk eats when i am not around

store bought sugar coated popcorn on occassion

ice cream esp flavored ones more so than plain vanilla


sports drinks

sweetened premade tea drinks arizona and the one aldies sells similar to lipton that has corn syrup in and is supposedly green tea

sams club pies apple cakes especially carrot cake, the dense sweet heavy one

french silk pie

fast food favorites 

    taco bell, hardess, burger king, wendys, subway, kfc, popeyes, churchs chicken

likes to buy whole meal including the sides and biscuits which are dense white flour served with fake imitatoin butter margarine and fake honey which is corn syrup, dominos pizza, little caesars occassionally, papa johns once in awhile

kits of any kind preferred such as; hamburger helper, one of his favorites... tuna kit, chicken salad kit,about any type of food kit where he doesn't have to prepare food using own spices and fresh ingredients

hot sauces; fav is tabasco but buys all kinds of different hot sauces and barbecue sauces . fav bbq is gates however is more expensive so he mixes other cheap sauces with it to make it last longer

steak sauce fav is A1  

watches me or anyone else around carefully to be sure we dont use too much of any sauce, condiment, salad dressing, mustard, ketchup, anything

many different small single serving individual size rum whiskey tequila wine 

beer fav is miller genuine draft usually drinks one beer or less at a time

He is his own worst enemy and thinks everyone else is the enemy

He has none of these qualities

15 signs you have a magnetic personality that draws people towards you

1) You’re authentic

2) You’re a great listener

3) You’re confident

4) Your optimism is contagious

5) You have a great sense of humor

Do you have a natural ability to make people laugh without hurting or humiliating anyone?

6) You’re eloquent

7) You’re honest and open-minded

8) You’re naturally curious

9) You’re passionate about life

10) You inspire others

11) You’re compassionate and empathetic

12) You maintain positive energy

13) You respect others

You know, respect is a two-way street.

Do you have the ability to respect others’ opinions, even when they differ from your own?

Are you someone who doesn’t shy away from listening to and learning from differing viewpoints?

14) You’re adaptable

Have you noticed how you adapt easily to change and thrive in varying environments?

Are you able to go with the flow without compromising your values and identity?

If this resonates with you, then you possess the magnetism that attracts others.

Your ability to adapt showcases your resilience and strength, making you a positive influence for others.

15) You are self-aware

Are you aware of your strengths and weaknesses and constantly working on improving yourself?

Do you strive to become the best version of yourself each day?

If this sounds like you, then you certainly have a magnetic personality.

Your self-awareness reflects your commitment to personal growth, inspiring others to strive for the same.

How to develop a magnetic personality

Developing a magnetic personality is less about changing who you are, and more about embracing and enhancing the qualities you already possess.

Here are some steps you can take to build your personal magnetism:

1) Practice self-love and self-acceptance

One of the foundations of a magnetic personality is being comfortable with who you are. Embrace your strengths, accept your flaws, and strive for personal growth.

2) Foster good listening skills

People are naturally drawn to those who show genuine interest in their stories and ideas. Practice active listening and show empathy to others.

3) Cultivate positivity

A positive mindset is attractive. Try to maintain an optimistic outlook and spread positivity around you.

4) Work on your communication skills

Effective communication is key in attracting others. Learn how to express your ideas clearly and understand others’ perspectives.

5) Be open to different viewpoints

Showing respect for others’ ideas, even if they’re different from yours, fosters mutual respect and understanding. This ability is crucial for building a magnetic personality.

6) Stay curious

Showing genuine interest in others and the world around you attracts people. Stay curious and keep learning.

7) Display passion and commitment

Passion is infectious. Whether it’s about your work, hobbies, or personal pursuits, let your passion shine.

8) Inspire and motivate others

Use your experiences, knowledge, and insights to inspire and motivate others to achieve their goals. Your willingness to uplift others speaks volumes about your character and makes you more attractive to people.

9) Show compassion and empathy

Being empathetic and compassionate creates a sense of safety and comfort around you. These qualities make people feel valued and understood, and they will naturally feel drawn to you.

10) Embrace change and be adaptable

Being flexible and adaptable in different situations is a key trait of a magnetic personality. This shows your resilience and your ability to thrive in varying circumstances.

11) Nurture your self-awareness

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and knowing what you need to work on, is a fundamental step towards developing a magnetic personality. Stay true to your values and beliefs while maintaining an open mind for personal growth.

12) Practice respect

Respect for others, their ideas, and their spaces makes you more likable and approachable.

Remember, respect is reciprocal, and treating others with kindness and respect invites the same treatment in return.

At the end of the day, remember that your magnetic personality comes from your authentic self.

So, embrace your unique traits and let your natural charisma shine through.

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Unlock the Secret to Fulfilling Relationships: Discover Your Superpower

Do you ever feel like your relationships lack depth and connection? Are you struggling to form meaningful bonds with others? Understanding your unique superpower could be the key to unlocking more fulfilling relationships in your life.

We’ve created a quiz designed to help you uncover your hidden superpowers, which will guide you in cultivating stronger connections with the people around you.

By knowing your true superpower, you’ll gain insight into the qualities that make you special, allowing you to connect with others on a deeper level. Embracing your superpower can help you attract like-minded individuals who appreciate and complement your strengths, paving the way for more satisfying relationships.

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Maria Fatima Reyes

Fat Niebres is a freelance writer who loves to chase stories that matter. She finds meaning and inspiration in the mundane. When she's not writing, she's probably reading, eating, traveling, or having deep conversations with her husband. She brings her experience in broadcast, print, and NGO communications, and has been published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer and


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Self righteous. Judgemental

dug himself into a hole antisocial

 doesnt want to go do anything

no bowling, any recreational fun activities

stay at home most of time

only goes to minimal things and to cave springs park because it is favorite one has dirt trails he is familiar with it avoids any other parks with concrete and wide open. will walk on hiking trail sometimes not far from our house

avoids social contact 

freaks out whenever we eat out at any nice restaurant ; complains about how expensive it is . i remember he took me to jack stack bbq in lees summit a few years ago for my bday and complaned about 32 dollars cost the entire meal time

detests red lobster applebees, now dennys, basically anything he considers 'fancy' and complaining now about fast food restaurant prices that went up like his favorite; taco bell, wendys, subway, hardees, burger king

Social worker told me i could be care giver. I said "I am a care giver" and cleared through state of MO

 lakewood university hospital kelley social worker 

i talked to over phone last week

about this situation

the person must go in ambulance to er

when having an episode ; outrage, violence, abuse, etc

JULY 1991 first time at this house. DEC 15, 1991 Moved in

 His mother and sister lived here

both of them paying bills 

both insane paranoid schizo

mother lived in master bedroom

sister rented middle center bedroom

Hates cruises entertainment social gatherings

Uses headphones ear phones, loud speakers shuts me out. Tells me shut the fuck up. Mls

Fallacies believed. Lies. Misinformation

 Appetite  related to activity level

Good appetite means healthy

Microwaves hit center place food in middle

Not much difference in men and women "they both have arms and legs"

Believes in ufos aliens. Psychics Mls

 Edgar caycem certain psychics douglas james cottrell, april crawfird


Crop circles

Worldly. Wide world type psychics phenomenons

Wild fantastic paranoid news stories


Said being followed by police

Fears someone watching keeo curtains closed

Site name chose: seeking the source

Explorer one favorite word

Ocd sense smell sees things at times not there, wrong, interprets

Incorrectly, misinterprets communication often, sight sound taste 

Confuses one scent with another, eg coffee and cig smell the same

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Watches every move I make. Spies on stuff seen in my room. Dictates what he/she sees me doing.

Wants to live with lots of stuff packed into house, garage, sheds

 including storage junk at the neighbors shed across the street

don't know if he has stuff stored at other peoples houses or maybe even at 

storage units elsewhere

JUST LIKE Hoarder JOHN Layson   

doesn't want to let go of anything including old worthless crap sitting around

Listens to Consipracy Theories on news casts during most of waking hours

 alex jones

mike lindell

x22 report

donald trump fan obsessed with him being the president

fiercely defends trump and anything he says or does


Sits in living room with headphones on most of the day when inside house

Wants to mount a big tv inside 4 poster bed to watch movies while in bed

Suspicious of everyone

 says "i suspicion: often

does not say 'i suspect"

after any particular thing happens will often say "I suspicioned that... would happen" as if he knew it would even though never mentioned it to me prior to the event

No reasoning in logical terms with him

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Needs an audience someone to listen to his interests news politics daily

 No one he or we know wants to or can listen to political right wing  republican conspiracy theory stuff he is obsessed with and a fanatic of

No friend ..

not tony gomez

 not  william bottomly,  tonys roommate

 tony born 1966 single never married childless man

not kirk hupp a childless man been married to a woman living in south america apart from kirk many years

Not harlow jundy born 1948 a single never married childless man

Not kenny gill born 1948 a single never married childless man

Not john layson born 1946 a single never married childless man who just died may 9, 2023; john was a political science school teacher major in college of that subject. Last conversation mike and john had was while john was in nursing home on his deathbed mike picked a fight with john arguing politics then mike stormed out of johns room went to his car waited for me. I recorded part of their last conversation

except these 2 people darin wise and tom stitz we know, mutual friends for more than 12 13 years each but darin is single lives alone solo, self employed works long hours daily except sundays, .........tom has full time job and tom lives in his mothers basement just like mike did for 30 years. Darin Wise listens to alex jones conspiracy theorist. Tom listens to similar news sources one called real raw news mike told me about july 12 2023

no neighbor inluding traci cor saut, sharon dugg an, chris rix ner, mark pollock

Except one Alice blayney ,!,,, on 9807 grandview rd who left a letter at our house stating we are on same page trump political supporter we met her and husband whos not interested and mike showed no interest in getting with her him or family even tho she is obsessed with same subject

No family member including clayton, heather, dorothy, sherry, james cyndi keehler, lorraine duane dwayne, 

No stranger ive ever met when with around him

Is interested in this stuff hours upon hours daily

Majority dont want to hear it, are not interested

When i looked up alex jones mike lindell search results indicated they are conspiracy theorists. Mike became angry vehemently denied that these men are conspiracy theorists.

 Mike becomes verbally abusive and physically abusive to me if i state tge news headlines

About them or donald trump being stupid or any derogatory news flash headline 

Being called on the carpet is a nono




Can't be fixed.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Friday, July 7, 2023

I say a word he confuses homonymns


When I refer to Ginger spice he says she's okay but I like Mary Ann better

See a stop sign warning it says stop ahead so he stretches out his right arm puts his hand on my forehead pretending to stop my head

I say peanut butter he says penis butter

Sausage I cooked he said looking like a big dick

Thursday, July 6, 2023

 30 Top Signs A Narcissist Is Really Finished With You (

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30 Top Signs A Narcissist Is Really Finished With You

Sylvia Smith

By Sylvia Smith, Expert Blogger

12.3k ReadsUpdated: 28 Mar, 2022

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Bored couple on a date

In This Article

How does the narcissistic cycle work?

Do narcissistic relationships last?

Why do narcissists want to come back to relationships?

What will a narcissist do if you are into them?

30 Signs that a narcissist is finished with you

A toxic narcissist relationship revolves around insecurity, abuse, and then manipulation.

It is a cycle that will leave the victim without self-esteem, a world full of anxiety, no social life, weak physical health, and traumatic life.

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The narcissist will continue to abuse the victim until they tear the person apart. One day, the victim will realize that there’s nothing left.

Everything about a toxic relationship is a cycle until you learn to break away from it.

Learn why narcissists come back to relationships and how to know if a narcissist is finished with you.

How does the narcissistic cycle work?

How to know if you’re dealing with a narcissist isn’t easy. Most of the time, they can prepare a flawless trap.

Knowing a narcissist and how they work will help you understand how the cycle works.

Narcissists don’t show or feel any remorse. Once this person sees an opportunity, a narcissist will start the abuse cycle – and it will be hard to break away from it.

In the narcissist abuse cycle, they would feed their egos constantly while draining their partner mentally, physically, emotionally, and even socially.

Narcissists feed off constant validation and admiration from everyone. It makes them feel powerful, in control, and good.

Here’s how the idealize-devalue-discard cycle works.


Like a dream come true, a narcissist will show himself as kind, sweet, charismatic, protective, charming, and a person who is head-over-heels in love with you.

Everyone likes your partner and would say that you’ve found ‘the one,’ and that seals it.

You’ve fallen in love with the person who always showers you with sweetness, encouraging words, praises, excitement, laughter, and love.

This tactic is what they call ‘love bombing’ or the phase where the narcissist showers you with everything for weeks or months.


When everyone, including you, has fallen into the trap of a narcissist, the actual abusive relationship will unfold.

The narcissists will show you their true colors.

At first, this person may subtly devalue you. You may even reason that it’s just a one-time thing, but you soon realize it gets worse.

It is where you will notice all the red flags unfolding.

All the good and lovable traits will disappear, and soon you will see the real monster. The narcissist will devalue you and make fun of you.

Naturally, you defend yourself, but this is precisely what a narcissist wants. It’s a game of power, and this is the chance to show you his.

The narcissist starts to gaslight, withdraws his affection towards you, blames you for everything, etc.

Soon, you will feel confused, hurt, lonely, scared, ashamed, and depressed. 


“How to know if a narcissist is finished with you?”

You get discarded without warning, like a broken toy, and of no use – the narcissist will abandon you. But in certain situations, even if a narcissist breaks up with you, they can still come back.

It may sound like a nightmare because it is.

It’s called the narcissist breakup cycle, where the manipulator monitors you to see if you can still stand up and move on.

When the narcissist realizes you are done, and you’re getting your life back, they will try to come back to you and ruin your life.

Do narcissistic relationships last?

It’s hard how to know if a narcissist is finished with you. You may have wondered if your relationship with a narcissist will last, or does it.

The length of a relationship with a narcissist will depend on how fast they can break you down.

It’s sad to know that this is the ultimate goal of narcissists.

But did you know that even when a narcissist says it’s over, they may still come back?

Why do narcissists want to come back to relationships?

Narcissists discard you once he’s done destroying you. It will also depend on how much they want to keep you around. If they could drag you again, they would.

As long as you can stand up and start over – you’re a target.

If the narcissist sees that you still have the strength and the will to rise and start over, their ego is challenged.

It’s a game for them. They want to woo you again and see how vulnerable you are.

If they could, they would break you down until you can no longer stand up and move on – that is when a narcissist is done with you.

Related Reading: How to Get Closure With a Narcissist: 12 Ways

Young couple on a date

What will a narcissist do if you are into them? 

Breaking up with a narcissist is never easy, so be careful.

How to know if a narcissist is finished with you when you got them all figured out?

When a narcissist notices that they are losing control over you, and you want to end the abuse and expose them, they try to win you back.

You have to prepare.

Related Reading: What Is Narcissistic Abuse – Signs & Healing

Narcissists have lots of deceptions up their sleeves. Here are three tricks that the abuser will try:

1. The trauma bond

A narcissist will never allow you to escape, let alone figure them out. Once they do, they will start fighting back by creating a trauma bond.

What we call a trauma bond is a series of abusive behaviors.

They will start creating a pattern of abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, and all the bad things they could do. They will drown you with their abusive relationship until you can no longer fight back.

2. The manipulation technique

Even if you know the truth, the narcissist will deny the accusation.

A narcissist will even counterattack by laying out different accusations about you. 

They can twist reality, and the more people who know your story, the better.

Why is this so? The narcissist will manipulate them into believing the lies and accuse you of being paranoid, bitter, or even delusional.

Related Reading: How to Recognize and Handle Manipulation in Relationships

3. Projection

When the narcissist sees that you know and you are no longer blind to their manipulation, they will try to make you understand and sympathize with them.

They have patience and are persistent.

Their goal is to manipulate you into taking responsibility for your wrongdoings. It would be as if you’re making it all up and are making it super complicated.

In time, when you disappear from a narcissist, you’d feel that it’s more challenging, complex, and painful.

30 Signs that a narcissist is finished with you

Have you ever asked yourself how to know if a narcissist is finished with you?

It is when this abuser has destroyed and drained you. When the narcissist sees that they can no longer take anything from you, it’s time to discard you.

Here are the top 30 signs a narcissist is done with you:

1. The narcissist no longer hides their true colors

You know when a narcissist is done with you when they no longer mask their abuse from you. For the abuser, there’s no need to hide what he’s trying to do.

2. You feel the change

Before, you may have felt that there are times when your narcissistic partner becomes less abusive, but now, you feel the change.

You feel that your abuser has become more confident with their goal – to drain you with every self-respect and self-love that you have for yourself.

3. The narcissist will no longer give you love bombs

The narcissist used to shower you with love bombs after every abusive episode. Now, there’s none. The abuser no longer tries to pacify you because he no longer thinks you’re worth keeping.

4. They are constantly irritated with you

The abuser is vocal about how irritating your presence is. They would even go as far as to let you sleep on the floor so they can’t see you.

5. The narcissist ignores everything you say

The narcissist will also start ignoring you when you’re talking. For this abuser, it would be a waste of energy to give attention to someone that won’t do him any good.

6. They criticize you

When there is a time to talk to you, the narcissist who is finished with you will only criticize you. Everything about you will be susceptible to his criticisms.

Related Reading: How to Give & Take Constructive Criticism in Relationships

7. They are always distant

Because you’re of no use to them, your presence would be an eye-sore for a narcissist. Keeping their distance is how to know if a narcissist is finished with you.

8. A narcissist will gaslight you

If there is a time, your narcissistic partner talks to you is when he’s trying to gaslight you. It’s a form of humor for them to see someone having a hard time because of them. An ego boost that they are proud of.

Christina, a licensed therapist, talks about gaslighting. Learn the types, phrases, and phrases to watch out for. 

9. They are unfaithful

The narcissist will no longer hide that they are unfaithful. They are so cruel that they would even give hints or show you that they are doing it – after all, it’s another way to torture you.

10. They accuse you of cheating or infidelity

On the other hand, the narcissist can also accuse you of being a flirt, a cheat, or a person who doesn’t value yourself. This is another way to make you feel bad – one of the only reasons why the narcissist is keeping you close.

Related Reading: 15 Most Common Causes of Infidelity in Relationships

11. They accuse you of lying

When they’re bored, a narcissist will do anything to make you feel bad, including accusing you of lying. Even if there is no basis or reason, the thought that you will feel bad about it is enough for a narcissist to do it.

12. They accuse you of being envious

If you try to fix or talk with a narcissist who’s almost finished with you, this person will accuse you of being envious. They can accuse you of being a leech because you’re no good without them.

13. The narcissist takes advantage of you

“How to know if a narcissist is finished with you when you’re not yet being discarded?”

This means there is still something that the narcissist can get from you. Some can treat their spouse or partner like a slave, an emotional punching bag, or an amusement when they’re bored.

Related Reading: How Narcissists Use Future Faking to Manipulate You

14. A narcissist will not answer your calls, texts, or chats

Before, a narcissist would answer your calls, but now, nothing. It’s another way of avoiding contact with you. A narcissist will think of it as a waste of time.

15. They are always angry with you

When you’re together, a narcissist’s irritability will turn into anger. Then, this abuser will even accuse you of ruining their day and life. You’re being abused, but with your partner, the reality is twisted. You’re the one who’s ruining their life.

Related Reading: Stages of a Relationship with a Narcissist – Don’t Miss These Red Flags

16. They are busy hunting for new victims

Your narcissistic partner is always busy – finding a new target.

The abuser’s focus is no longer on you. For this person, it’s time to find a new target before you get discarded.

17. They no longer try to convince you to stay

Do you remember the time when your narcissist partner would beg you to stay, showering you with love bombs and empty promises?

Now, the abuser will no longer care what you do. They might even be wishing you to leave.

18. They view you as a threat

One of the only reasons a narcissist is still keeping you is that they view you as a threat. You might spill the tea with their new prospect victims or find the courage to rise and get your life back.

19. They start updating themselves

Aside from being busy going out, your narcissistic partner is now over the top trying to update their looks.

The truth is, the abuser is getting ready to woo another victim.

20. They become busy and never home

It may feel liberating to realize that the abuser is never home. The truth behind this is that this person is busy catching another prey.

Young couple fighting

21. They will belittle you constantly

The abuser loathes your presence, so they would shower you with belittling comments.

After all, their goal is to destroy every little self-love and confidence you have.

22. Their stare is empty and cold

Before he goes out, he stares at you, empty and cold.

It’s one of the saddest realities that this abuser is done with you. All your suffering will end, but there’s nothing left for you.

23. They will not waste any more time with you

Another way a narcissist breaks up with you is by no longer spending time with you. This person may always be busy, but you see his social media full of parties, dates, and how a single person would mingle.

24. The narcissist will ghost you

It would start with a few days, then weeks, then months. You wake up and realize that your abuser has started ghosting you. Like a toy that he destroyed, you’re now left alone – broken.

25. They flirt and lets you see it

Shouldn’t it feel nice to start having time for yourself? But why does it hurt? You see your narcissistic partner posting flirty photos and tours.

You can even see his family and friends showing affection to your partner’s new ‘friends,’ and here you are, discarded.

26. They would even wish your demise

You try your best to ask about your relationship, even begging to have time to talk. Unfortunately, a narcissist who is done with you will laugh at you and can even wish for your demise.

Do you think it’s cruel? That’s how they are. Narcissists don’t know what love means.

27. They stop talking to your relatives and friends

Even your friends and family who sided with your partner will also be discarded. No time for pretensions now that your abuser is done

28. They will spend everything they can from your money

Do you still have some assets or money? Be careful because if a narcissist could, this person will spend every drop of assets you have before leaving.

29. They will start physical abuse

Sadly, the abuse will take full circle before the abuser is done with you. A narcissist, who is full of hate, can start abusing you physically and will not be sorry about it.

Related Reading: 5 Facts About Physical Abuse in a Relationship

30. A narcissist will tell you the truth 

The most painful way of knowing a narcissist is done with you is when this person finally unravels everything.

The narcissist will look you straight in the eyes to tell you that there was no love.

This person will let you know that from the start, everything was a lie. There was no respect for you, and now that you’re no use, you will be discarded.

Related Reading: What Is a Narcissistic Personality & How to Identify Them


You’ve finally figured out how to know if a narcissist is finished with you.

It may feel confusing, painful, and sad at first, but it’s a relief that your abuser finally lets you go.

Now, it’s time to rise and build yourself up from scratch.

The road ahead will be challenging, and at some point, your ex might try to get back to make sure he can abuse you again.

You’re broken, but it’s not too late to move on and heal.

Stand up, be strong, take your life back, and allow no one to abuse you again.


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Sylvia Smith

Sylvia Smith

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Sylvia Smith loves to share insights on how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. As a writer at, she is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt this principle Read more

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Says people dont like me for ME. They are always after some THING I have.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Nothing is ever easy..says often. if senses i or anyone has it easy makes it difficult

Instant gratification expected

Loves the sex not the person or people

Takes over every friend he knows i have had

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it is all about him

i am not supposed to talk to anyone else in his presence

any person visits home house any reason he blocks me out and talks about only his stuff

and literally tells me to be quiet shut up 

don't talk, don't move, don't show anyone anything

especially my body and

don't take anyone anywhere in the house unless he takes them there

Obtuse dense forever frustrated. will not listen to solutions natural nature ones

 will not listen to

solutions that make things easier

example eg

garden gardening yard 

plants same plants every year in same spot

will not modify area to prevent keep animals and bugs out

instead puts poison on tomatoes peppers

will not plant flowers that prevent bugs like chrysanthemums marigolds

plant extra for the animals

puts tomato plants too close together

raccoons and opossum eat the tomatoes every summer 

obtuse dense forever frustrated

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cant accept the way things are ; basically anything

says i can't believe it often even with things that really happen and exist

cant accept reality and says the news channels is real and true