Friday, September 29, 2023

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

i see patterns of behavior similar in certain people i have known

 narcos might be like this

impatient rude 

drawn to politics 

arguments , circular never resolving things, never going anywhere

obsessed with accumulating material things, money

sex obsession often secret in the dark unknown to the world they hide it well from public

appear nice polite to strangers, evil to those close to them\


in a hurry 

have to have it all right now

difficult to think of consequences

hard to plan for the future

hungry, horny, whatever, cant wait want it NOW

screams yells fits at seeing any item tossed out in the trash

has a fit if thinks any object suffers an "injury" yet psychologically tortures people without a thought about what they said or did to hurt the person 

fast food preferred, doesnt want to go to any efforts to make food or clean up the mess afterwars

only thinks about immediate desires wants deeds 

sees things as duties, even things that are supposed to given out of love and appreciation

cant understand why anyone would do amything out of kindness of heart

its all about the money and "equal" exchange... IE : I do this then YOU do that 

believe that "fairness" should exist ON their terms

pushes other people as much as possible 

thinks they have to push people to think or do anything


 broke his neck to get there on time 

all about the money

do about anything to get money 

ethics were out of question and not considered

push push push everything to the limit

had no limits could not understand or put limits on anything

overachiever over achieve over do overeat, over it all

had to have constant outside stimulation; music, videos noise going on constantly

never meditated; said that is for some people, not me

work for money, sell it for money, cheat for it

accumulate stuff; could never have enough stuff

claimed most businesses did illegal stuff didnt file reported earnings accurately

the argument, everything is an argument

illogical, nothing can be presented in a logical fashion he argued each and every thing there was

refused basic maintenance of most anything

house cleaning out of the question

didnt even clean up his own body

obsessed with many things; music movies books porn, clothes, food, sex 

obsessed with whipping people esp women videos illegally downloaded thousands of vids on dvds of torture sado masochism 

advocated slavery and sadistic masochistic stuff, had an entire collection of movies magazines paraphenalia of whips canes rods 

never concerned with doing the right thing

lost his drivers license ability to drive many many years ago and never told anyone why or what happened, a big secret of what he did to lost his privilege to drive


never sold anything online, it took too much time effort work patience organization to sell online

a great consumer, buyer of any and all goods, not a creator of anything i ever saw

had 3 large storage units full of junk electronics fake flowers furniture that went to auciton sold at the flea market due to non payment of the bill 

Monday, September 25, 2023

Never created always copied

 John made burned copies of music and movies

1000s 10000s of illegally copied cds dvds tapes artwork he did stuffed ìn his house

Impatient hot tempered all about money material things sex physical pleasures food overeating over buying spending clothes collectibles electronics 

Cheat lie steal however always paid me cash never wanted or allowed legitimate business


 the rabbit just like in the fable story of the tortoise and the hare

Thinks he is the boss in charge of everyone and everything

Thursday, September 21, 2023

He hates disney movies shows and stories

Evil family members mother sisters brothers cousins

 marjorie mae, the mother mom of the clan of 10 children she successfully trained to by paranoid and schizophrenic like herself

karen: vindictive constantly had it in for someone, lots of people, me, him, strangers, neighbors, family members, co workers, anyone basically anywhere. one story she told was that she put on her nice face went into the place guys lived she accused of gang raping her and she took their toothbrushes and put them into the toilet bowl scraping it. 
deliberately got pregnant by al, a very nice guy, then accused him of conspiring to murder her and bury her body in the backyard. she accused him of punching, hitting her alot, throwing her on the couch and miscellaneous other accusations of verbal and physical abuse. she in fact was the abusive one, continually threatening others. she had more than one of her 'friends', buddies call us at home and leave messages stating he and she were going to kill us

dorothy chronic complainer. Said you dont exist the first time i met her. Each time around her pulls me off to side tells me how corrupt evil her sister sherry is. 

jerry; attempted murder on his own brother with a knife he whipped out of his pocket while we were out in the country where there was no telephone, electricity no way to contact anyone for help

john: filed lawsuit 8 false allegations against us costing mike 14 thousand dollars in attorney lawyers fees in dallas texas 2010. Karen the sister was in cahoots and was the instigator with alleged wrongdoings . Judge tossed case out of court. John lost. Nothing could be proved because nothing wrong no criminal activities done. Ruining my and husbands life was the goal along with attempting to get all of the 250000 dollars of lawsuit money won from dead sister carol john karen dorothy mike sharon jerrys sister. John and karen wrote accusatory letters of fraud mike working for mafia and other insane lies to mikes boss at work. Sending letters via postal mail fax and packages.

david , cousin. Threatened to burn our house down . Later he committed suicide

Himself threatened muriatic acid spray in neighbor dogs eyes. He picked up handful of dirt with small rocks threw it into dogs face because it was barking at him and said that dog has no right barking at me. 

He'd rather be entertained by strangers on the tv than have a real life

This shit hole needs air flow and sunshine which he blocks constantly

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Monday, September 18, 2023

Where does he/she put their money? Their time?

You wont find them doing these things

 sitting around in a coffee shop having conversations with people

doing things not making them money

doing things uncomfortable for them

trying new stuff

accepting others as they are without judgment

truly empathizing with anyone

understanding charitable work 

doing anything without first thinking what is in it for me, what am i going to get out of this

I Don't Understand You. I CANT Understand WHY

 said frequently

You're strange

you're weird

you're a free spirit

I dont understand why you do what you do

Whats your purpose? Whats your point? What is your goal, your agenda?
What do you think you're getting out of this or going to get?

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Cant make plans. Always tells me at the last minute


wants to be in control

doesnt want me there or to go

ruins every activity spent together anyway by complaining criticizing asking stupid questions constantly 

trying to take over every single thing and dictate the whole scenario 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Monday, September 11, 2023

 Android robot faker wolf feigning knowledge 

I knew that was going to happen. I had a feeling. Always said AFTER the fact/event. I suspected that. I knew that person was no good. You think you know everything don't you (NO, I know it all. You know nothing!) You shouldn't say that do that feel that ask that .. in fact you should not be breathing. You're not going to do anything unless I give you permission. 

You have no common sense.

Nobody likes you for you they just want something out of you: they like you because you have a car or fill in the blank.

You're stupid!

You think you are special, smart, know everything, deserve anything... you think I should treat you like a quee


Android man

 Automaton robot woman

I don't want to hear your excuses ... even though you have a broken back

I don't care to hear your opinions

Never wants to hear a repeat of what he/she said or did

 screamed at me "I don't want to hear the facts !"

"quit complaining and bitching that's all you do!" says every time i recount nasty mean things he said and did 

"I don't want to hear it!"

Shut the fuck up

I had bad ear infections in 2010 2011 he did absolutely nothing. Tom Wright, a friend bought me ear medicine

The end of me endorsing him or talking about him to other people. Don't say anything to anyone especially if he hears me talking

 they do not believe me anyway

he puts on the best fake facade around to others 

Just shut up. You go on and on and on ! Enjoy the quiet during the ride. Sep 10, 2023

 tells me the shut up as i began telling him about info in a book concerning virus vaccines which agrees with what he believes but he didnt give me the chance to tell him 

then he proceeds to drive impatiently cussing out other drivers complain about wendys free frosty offer coupon booklet only chocolate strawberry available no vanilla like he wants 

continually  complains about each and every thing there is any where and every where

I wonder WHO said to HIM about ME "SHE just keeps going on and on and on"

had to have heard it somewhere he doesn't come up with stuff on his own

 head in the toilet

head like a hole in the shithouse

sucks up to control freaks weak wimpy dictators women disrespecters haters

prejudiced black white minded arrogant hateful mean selfish tyrants

Weak must attack strong and innocent in order to feel superior

Games: invents game you can never win. Changes rules often

Are the things he/she accuses others of being, doing

Ruins meals. Dinner, lunch, breakfast, snacks. Mealtime

about image status money owning stuff not being a real ethical person

 fakey nice voice put on when wants something

turns into vicious snake reptile instantly when upset usually by seeing hearing smelling something 

criticizes my hair insults me immediately

Curiosity and creativity are lacking

Mother made life a living hell. She didn't kick her or him out

 she made life miserable enough so they would leave


Family made him/her that way. It has nothing to do with me

 Someone once told me that I made him that way

My answer "His mother made him like that. Not me."

Same thing applies to me or anyone else.

Saturday, September 9, 2023











Teen Rebellion

The Chicken Run

Friday, September 8, 2023

narc numbness deadness

 narc numbness deadness

How To Reason With Someone Who Is Delusional . Dr Todd Grande

 How To Reason With Someone Who Is Delusional

Logic and reasoning, critical thinking skills are NOT there

It is ingrained pattern of behavior I cannot help or change

 regardless of things I or anyone does the pattern remains the same

revolving around negativity, world disasters, 

says 'we are in big trouble' frequently

listens to news opposite mainstream media which is conspiracy theory articles and claims it is the only true news, the truth

food, diet 

stress relief techniques such as meditation, exercise, relaxation, focusing on something that feels good, gratitude DO NOT WORK with him

Will remain angry frustrated even when I agree with whatever he is saying

Medications are not going to fix him. Refuses mental /behavioral medical treatment

Finds and focuses on anything negative and drives it into the ground

Accurate communication nearly impossible due to delusions and perceptions


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

This is how people with schizophrenia really perceive the world

 this is how people with schizophrenia really perceive the world

Imagine a world where strange voices interrupted your thoughts, or you saw people that others did not. Welcome to the nightmare of people with schizophrenia.

To have a diagnosis of schizophrenia must be akin to being told you have cancer but are we justified to be so scared of this mental disorder, or should we be more optimistic? Most of us would associate schizophrenia with hallucinations and auditory delusions, but the truth is that some people with schizophrenia do not experience these symptoms. In fact, there are many other symptoms that are indicative of schizophrenia, including behavioural disturbances, thought disorder, and affected perception.

Research has shown that people with schizophrenia are more likely to experience problems with their perception of the world. They find it extremely difficult to distinguish between reality and the imaginary world. Everything from their surroundings, time, their senses, and how they interpret information appears to be mixed up and confusing.

How would you cope if your mind starting betraying and you couldn’t trust what it told you anymore?

The anatomy of schizophrenia

The causes of schizophrenia are not fully understood, but we know that we derive information from our environment via our senses. This information undergoes processing where it is then stored into either one of two categories: something that has been experienced before, or something that is new.

We are able to go through life thanks to this processing, which gives us clues about what to expect, thanks to previous experience. So for instance, if you were walking outside and you heard wings flapping above your head, without looking, your brain would have put together many other experiences where you heard this noise and that information would lead you to believe the noise came from a bird.

These previous experiences are called schema. A schema relates to a pattern of behaviour or thought that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them.

The problem that people with schizophrenia have is that they find it difficult to access these schemas. So they have no back-up, no previous knowledge, and no helpful stored information that can help them make sense of what is going on around them.

There is also the factor that the schemas of people with schizophrenia are already distorted. Their schema, which is stored memories of earlier experiences, is often impaired experiences.

Because of this, people with schizophrenia often have no common sense. This is because of three factors:

Their beliefs are different from the normal view of the world.

It is difficult for them to understand what others are feeling or thinking.

They are likely to have impaired judgements about events or experiences.

Their judgement about the likelihood of events is impaired.

So what does this feel like for people with schizophrenia?

They may have trouble getting to grip with the chronology of events, with happenings appearing out of order and actions remembered in the wrong context.

Their reality is confused and they cannot tell whether they are experiencing what is happening in the real world or in an imaginary one.

They misinterpret events and do not think logically, instead, relying on their own perception of things that are typically fragmented and broken.

They have difficulty socialising with others due to sensory overload.

They come across as aloof or rude because they are constantly juggling voices or intrusive thoughts in their head.

They cannot focus on simple activities, this is regardless of how clever they are.

They can’t do two things at a time.

They often feel as if one or more senses are heightened or dulled.

Their emotions appear flat or blunted, speak in a monotonous manner, and appear apathetic.

The bright side of schizophrenia

The symptoms of schizophrenia are not always bleak and troublesome, however. In some cases, people with schizophrenia can actually see reality when healthy subjects cannot.

In the famous ‘Hollow Mask’ illusion, where a mask that is concave is shown to people with and without schizophrenia, most healthy people see the mask as convex, as you would assume a face normally looks like.

But those with schizophrenia are not fooled by the image. They see the concave image, what is actually being shown. It is thought that the reason people with schizophrenia manage to see past the illusion is to do with top-down and bottom-up processing.

The brain uses both top-down processing and bottom-up processing when it comes to sorting out visual information. Top-down processing holds our memories, it stores images we have seen before, whereas bottom-up processes what we actually see before us, the reality.

Because we are used to seeing people’s faces as a normal convex one, in healthy individuals the bottom-up processing is over-ruled, and our minds do not see the tell-tale shadows that give the image away.

In the test, both healthy subjects and those with schizophrenia were scanned in an MRI scanner where their brain activity was measured. When the healthy subjects undertook the test, it was shown that the front parietal network (associated with top-down processing) and the visual parts of the brain were strengthened. There was no such strengthening with those who had schizophrenia.

It is thought that healthy subjects fill in the gaps with what they are seeing and what is presented to them, whereas schizophrenic patients are not able to do this. This means that despite what we have come to believe about schizophrenia, in some cases, schizophrenics can actually see reality more clearly than healthy people.


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felixJUNE 18, 2019 REPLY

I do not know on what it depends whether you can see the illusion, or not. My schizophrenia cripples me to the point it’s extremely difficult to even shower and eat, I don’t feel attached to reality at all anymore, thoughts are commanding me to do things and can barely go out on my own even to a store nearby, but I am still fooled by the illusion. Maybe it is because I hear voices rarely, at least for now…

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 why do schizophrenic people become obsessed with those high in government

and some of them actually think they ARE president or running for office such as a friend named 

WIll I , A schizophrenic male associated with my youngest son 

Does not know, is unaware of his own mental disorder(s) Paranoid schizophrenia


What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common anxiety disorder. It causes unreasonable thoughts, fears, or worries. A person with OCD tries to manage these thoughts through rituals.

Frequent disturbing thoughts or images are called obsessions. They are irrational and can cause great anxiety. Reasoning doesn’t help control the thoughts. Rituals or compulsions are actions that help stop or ease the obsessive thoughts.

What causes OCD?

Experts aren’t sure of the exact cause of OCD. Genetics, brain abnormalities, and the environment are thought to play a role. It often starts in the teens or early adulthood. But, it can also start in childhood. OCD affects men and women equally. It appears to run in families.

Other anxiety problems, depression, eating disorders, or substance use disorder may happen with OCD.



 present with evidence contrary to his belief and he denies the truth of it

argues with the webster's dictionary about word definition

imagines many things that are not true

fixed false belief beliefs


 absolutely not interested in self reflection, self analysis





Monday, September 4, 2023

Slippery Slope thinking

 slippery slope


 politics. endless arguments going nowhere, no resolutions, solutions .problems abound and are rarely solved

socially inept reclusive antisocial

lives in the dark, keeps windows blinds curtains closed up trying to keep the temperature constant in the area

feels insignificant, worthless, stupid, lacking AND actually follows that description 

puts limits on other people

believes in slaves, slavery, master. as of they can control other people in almost every area of life

freaks out over water on the floor or anywhere

can't do intense deep thorough cleaning

crams way too much stuff in any space creating difficulties

uses random containers cardboard boxes strange containers for items that do not belong in there, putting the wrong item in some box.

mismatched things, just about everything

lacks sense of order, streamlining, clean or neat balanced living or workspace

wants to keep just about everything imaginable

throws a hissy fit temper tantrum when anything is moved, lost, sold, 

so it makes it difficult to find what i / he/she is looking for which makes work a whole lot harder way too much effort to try to do even a simple task like cook a meal, basic house cleaning

buys many different chemical agents cleaners that are supposed to be for that thing such as bathroom cleaner, window cleaner, such and such agent when in fact we do not need hundreds of diffferent chemicals to clean anything... just a few basic ones, WATER being the main one, which the narky seems to  HATE with a passion