Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Secretive hides things in locked file cabinet


Does not want me to dress in any way that shows off my body : curves flesh figure shape

 will become violent if i start to leave home house and am not dressed covered up or dressed plainly 

don't wear 

anything showy 

flashy bright colors 

shiny glossy 

tight too skin tight

hole in hose hosiery socks

slits in clothing

cuts splits tears 

glitter glittery

definitely no tattoos

jewelry ; preferably NONE

makeup ; very very minimal or NONE

Shoots orders

Pretends like he does things for me. In fact does everything for himself.

Appreciates nothing I do

 such as dishes, cooking, shopping, cleaning, laundry, errands, mowing grass, any type of any work or duties or any ideas I have, suggestions, thoughts, 

zero zip nada

takes credit for all

makes all decisions 

overrides whatever I do

moves things around that i put in places

Anger fumes when another person gives me something

 be it an item, money, a compliment virtually anything nice

ripped a necklace off my neck that a man named bob mendenhall gave me . bob insisted on putting the necklace silver chain on me. bob also kept giving me other gifts things like fancy ink pens 

ignores when i get a compliment from anyone be it man woman or child

Remembers every single thing he/she has given to me or anyone else and throws it up in my face

Wants a brainless mindless pixie twit twat that agrees with goes along with everything he /she says and does

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Has plenty of money for what he wants

Asks my opinion and ignores it

 Frequently done. Why ask my or anyone else what they think when you already have your mind made up and know what you are going to do??????

Doesn't want me talking to people

It's not that big a deal .. says to me alot

 Into having lots of perfume cologne fragrances and includes many designer name brands 

Extremely visual. Looks are a TOP PRIORITY

Jekyll and Hyde

On  off like a light switch 

I love you I hate you

Stay, go away

 Alcohol drinker sangria wine Many different kinds of liquor including rum, vodka, whiskey, spirits, mixed drinks . 

Prefers the drinks already made or buys mixers like Mr T's bloody mary mix in a bottle

Eats lots of food all mixed up. Eats while doing other things.

Vindictive, vengeful

 Screams at top of his lungs in anger, upset when I mentioned having a sale "I'm NOT SELLING my stuff !! " and

"People don't want to pay any money for things at a garage sale. "

Politically aware and informed . Is on democrat side

Fights frequently. Looking for a fight

Has to be right all of the time.

Calls others stupid often.


All you gotta do is move things around

 All you gotta do is move things around

says this alot. Thought pattern

in reference to things in the refrigerator, all things in the house

hoarder words mentality saving too much stuff 

can't get rid of things throw things away

Monday, June 26, 2023

Mother jealous of daughters hated them treated much worse than sons boys she gave birth to

insanely jealous, especially the youngest girl, being the most beautiful, the prettiest 


sandy; got married 4 kids

dorothy; never married no children

carol; never married no children

sharon  sherry; married 2 kids, divorced ran husband off

karen; never married unwed had 1 daughter out of fear of her eggs going bad due to age of 40 so deliberately hunted for a man to get her pregnant then she accused him of all sorts of insanity including attempted murder as she did almost everyone else.

Conditional love exists

Believes owning expensive things make them him her better than others

Asks the most stupid questions daily basis. Confused about basic things

Kindness of the heart is absent. It does not exist

If money did not exist how would they act?

 same as always

what's in it for me first

Type of person who would throw a child into the lake without teaching them how to swim first then laugh as the child drowns

 while fighting to live gasping for air.

Entire family fights narcs takers. Mother laid eggs like a snake does.

 Snakes don't have mammal moms who care for their young being loving and nurturing. They operate on primal instinct, basic needs for survival such as eating food, sleep, work, sex. 

Brains are not developed the same as those beings who care for their babies almost selflessly. 

Communications skills are limited to the most basic functions, FEAR being the primary emotion.

He can't stand peace love harmony joy pleasant atmosphere and behavior

Mom said there are shit stirrers who always want to pick a fight

He tries to make me as ugly as he feels

Friday, June 23, 2023

The Way The System Works

 Abusers don't seek help. Victims do.

Mental behavioral health care center only accepts those coming from the emergency room

Mentally ill people must seek help on their own. Another person who suffers from their abuse can do nothing to make them get help. 

Police will detain a person who commits physical or mental abuse such as a threat to harm a person if the victim files a report.

An order of protection can be filed by the victim who is required to appear in court and face the abuser in court. The accused abuser will face charges in court then the judge determines the punishment and or sentence

The perpetrator abuser will be released back into civilian society after paying bail, paying money for a fine, serving a sentence and will return to the same place or places and or revert to the same or more behaviors that are against the law. The abuser often returns to hurt the same people or more different additional persons and will get by with this abusive behavior for many years until a serious crime is committed such as murder

Verbal emotional mental abuse can occur unreported to authority for many years. It can continue chronically with no punishment, no consequences to the criminal perpetrator while a victim continues to be abused mentally or physically. No one does anything about it. 

No one can help me with anything

 And nobody wants to help 

No one is going to save me from anything

Grey Rocking. ...Save my energy instead of wasting it on toxicity


 i did this

i have this

i own this and i have all this money

i am right, you are wrong

you have no right to be yourself, think for yourself, have your own preferences because......

you should be doing that, you need to do what I tell you to do and be what I say you should be

i told you so

i think this and that and that is how it should be there is no other way than my way of thinking

says you are unacceptable

says you have intolerable behavior

says i am not putting up with that YET acts like a pure D ASS HOLE and BITCH themselves

can't understand unique qualities of anyone or any thing, uniqueness not accepted amongst personal crowd of people, family BUT will admire adore suck up to certain celebrities people in power high positions in life yet has no clue or appreciation for their own personal crowd of people 

criticizes people to death

wrapped up in the media: tv, television, radio, some books, magazines, newspapers

believes ideal life exists outside of themselves and their own clan because tv and other outside sources set the example of an ideal reality and their own wife husband spouse mate children cousins aunts uncles any family member is full of flaws and misses the ideal of the person they should be

stonewalls people often in order to try to control their behavior

doles out small bits of bread crumbs on rare occasion to show their "love" and "concern" and that they "care" about people in personal life in order to keep the fish on the hook with teeny pieces of bait 

cannot express true intimacy love caring concern for anyone including themselves

empathy is gone lacking void most of the time

sympathy may pop up once in awhile if the victim person or animals has a visible missing limb body part is bleeding blood profusely has a visible injury

invalidates the pain suffering of people known personally yet will feel so soooo sorry for a person in the media, a stranger they don't know and never will when it is in the news that they suffered a loss a disaster 

invalidates by saying "oh its not that big a deal" "you just don't want to do it"   "you have to get used to it (the pain of overdoing something and doing stuff you are not designed to do)" 
"if you really wanted to blank blankety blank then you would ..blankety blank "

"it's not that bad"   "you have it easy"   "other people have it a lot harder than you" 
"you don't deserve...."   

accuses other people of not appreciating, being appreciate, being ungrateful and in ingrate when the fact is they themselves do not truly appreciate anyone or anything

accuses other of not working hard enough

says the self works very hard and no one else works as hard as they do

tries to get most money out of whatever they have for sell and pays the least for whatever they want buy need 

thinks their stuff is worth more than it is

calls other people (NICE PEOPLE) stupid and fool foolish naive a push over 

out to take advantage of anyone (the nice fools) they can get to do their bidding

whatever i am doing says "you have it easy"  " you think everything is free"  "you don't work"  "you don't do anything around here"

compares self to others constantly

always watching what everyone else is doing

constantly looks at media outside to try to figure out what to do best thing 

status appearance the way they look is paramount top prioirity 

wants to appear and look good even perfect to outside world at all times never revealing their true mean nature to strangers neighbors 

vicious mean hateful nasty at home to family mate spouse children anyone that lives with them then suddenly changes to sheepish like and smiling calm nice face as soon as a stranger appears 

pushes other people to the limit yet won't tolerate being pushed in any way shape or form

will throw temper tantrums fit even yelling screaming raising voice throwing things when anything is wrong not going their way or anyone or any animal around does anything they don't like 

chronically complains daily about most things and will not accept any solution to make things better nicer easier more pleasant

accuse own family of being mean evil rotten bad nasty not pleasant when in fact they are being acting bad mean rotten horrible intolerable with unacceptable behavior

Control freak


things material

work too much

not enough sleep

must direct what others do constantly


Has zero gratitude appreciation for what he is, has or the people in his life.

 Perhaps ought to lose it all,  go down to zero things and no people ...?

Then might realize what he had : 

LIFE, his body, mind, soul, spirit, energy, talents



I don't think he ever realized or appreciated anyone in his life or his abilities god given or any other status of anything in life besides MONEY 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

How A Narcissist Thinks (Warning: It's Pretty Messed Up)

 How A Narcissist Thinks (Warning: It's Pretty Messed Up)


How A Narcissist Thinks (Warning: It's Pretty Messed Up)





How A Narcissist Thinks (Warning: It's Pretty Messed Up)

Knowing how the narcissist thinks can help you understand toxic individuals.

By Joe Navarro — Written on Jul 29, 2020

Photo: Focus And Blur / ShutterstockHow A Narcissist Thinks (Warning: It's Pretty Messed Up)

We often hear the term “narcissist,” but in reality, what does that mean? Does it merely describe someone who likes to be the center of attention or likes the way he or she looks, or is there more to it?

The psychiatric literature defines narcissists as having specific traits such as having a sense of entitlement or requiring excessive admiration, to name a few. But what are narcissistic individuals really like on a day-to-day level?

How a narcissist thinks:

RELATED: Was Your Ex Insane? How To INSTANTLY Spot A Sociopath Or Narcissist

Anyone who has lived with or worked for a narcissist will tell you how a narcissist thinks: Narcissists view themselves entirely differently — i.e., preferentially — compared to others, making those around them less valued. And there’s the rub: everything must be about the narcissist.

We don’t mind that a two-year-old needs constant attention. That’s appropriate for the developmental stage of a two-year-old. But we do mind when a forty-year-old needs that level of appreciation — and achieving it comes at our expense.

Narcissists victimize those around them just by just being who they are, and they won’t change. That statement may seem extreme until you listen to the stories of those who have been victimized by a narcissist. Then you realize just how toxic these individuals are.

Work for a narcissistic boss and I can guarantee that he or she will make you physically or psychologically ill. Live with one and I fear for you. I can say that because in researching my book Dangerous Personalities, I talked to scores of individuals who have been victimized by narcissistic personality disorder.

In doing the research, in talking to the victims and listening to story after story of stolen childhoods, destructive marriages, and burdensome relationships, I heard the same tragic refrain: narcissists see themselves as being so special that no one else matters. No one. Over time, the behavior resulting from their defining pathological traits will cast a wide debris field of human suffering.

But don’t take it from me. Listen to the victims. Here's what I have learned about how a narcissist thinks and the lessons that no medical book can teach you. They are lessons for all of us.

1. I love myself and I know you do, too; in fact, everyone does — I can’t imagine anyone that doesn’t.

2. I have no need to apologize. You, however, must understand, accept, and tolerate me no matter what I do or say.

3. I have few equals in this world, and so far, I have yet to meet one. I am the best (manager, businessman, lover, student, etc.).

4. Most people don’t measure up. Without me to lead, others would flounder.

5. I appreciate that there are rules and obligations, but those apply mostly to you because I don’t have the time or the inclination to abide by them. Besides, rules are for the average person, and I am far above average.

6. I hope you appreciate all that I am and everything that I have achieved for you—because I am wonderful and faultless.

7. I do wish we could be equals, but we are not and never will be. I will remind you with an unapologetic frequency that I am the smartest person in the room and how well I did in school, in business, as a parent, etc., and you must be grateful.

8. I may seem arrogant and haughty, and that’s OK with me. I just don’t want to be seen as being like you.

9. I expect you to be loyal to me at all times, no matter what I do; however, don’t expect me to be loyal to you in any way.

10. I will criticize you and I expect you to accept it, but if you criticize me, especially in public, I will come at you with rage. One more thing: I will never forget or forgive, and I will pay you back one way or another because I am a “wound collector.”

11. I expect you to be interested in what I have achieved and in what I have to say. I, on the other hand, am not at all interested in you or in what you have achieved, so don’t expect much curiosity or interest from me about your life. I just don’t care.

RELATED: 11 Signs Your Personality Is Offensive (And You Don't Know It)

12. I am not manipulative; I just like to have things done my way, no matter how much it inconveniences others or how it makes them feel. I actually don’t care how others feel; feelings are for the weak.

13. I expect gratitude at all times, for even the smallest things I do. As for you, I expect you to do as I demand.

14. I only associate with the best people, and frankly, most of your friends don’t measure up.

15. If you would just do what I say and obey, things would be better.

As you can see, it is not easy living with or working with someone that thinks and behaves this way. The experience of these victims also teaches us the following and if you remember nothing else from this article, please remember this: narcissists over-value themselves and devalue others, and that means you. You will never be treated as an equal, you will never be respected, and you will in time be devalued out of necessity so that they can over-value themselves.

Tolerating the Narcissistic Personality

Knowing the traits of the narcissistic personality and how narcissists view themselves is useful, but so is knowing what will happen to you if you continue to associate with them. I say this while being well aware that in many cases, children, the elderly, or the infirm may not have a choice. In those cases, it is up to all of us as friends, relatives, teachers, coaches, associates, and co-workers to assist as best we can.

Also, there are those who, for reasons of finances, circumstances, or because they are in a complicated relationship or marriage, will choose to stick it out. To them I say beware: you will be victimized and you will pay a price, be it physically, psychologically, or even financially.

I say that from experience and from talking to many victims whose stories still burden my heart. If you do choose to live with or work with a narcissistic personality, be prepared to accept the following:

1. Accept that you are not equals because narcissists feel that they have no equals.

2. Those feelings of insecurity, dismay, disbelief, or incongruity that you are experiencing are real and will continue.

3. Because narcissists overvalue themselves, you will be devalued in time and at all the times after that.

You will, in essence, become the narcissist’s chew-toy. Gird yourself to be repeatedly degraded.

4. You will be talked to and treated in ways you never imagined, and you will be expected to tolerate it.

5. The narcissist’s needs, wants, and desires come first above all others, no matter how inconvenient to you.

6. Be prepared on a moment’s notice for them to turn on you with reptilian indifference at a moment’s notice...

As if any positive interactions in the past did not matter. You will question your own sanity as they turn on you, but that is your reality when involved with a narcissist.

7. When narcissists are nice, they can be very nice; but if you still feel insecure, that is because it is a performance, not a true sentiment.

Niceness is a tool for social survival—a means to get what they want, like needing a hammer to hang a picture.

8. You will lap up the narcissist’s niceness, poodle-like, because it doesn’t come often, but niceness for the narcissist is perfunctory; merely utilitarian.

9. Be prepared for when the narcissist lashes out not with anger, but with rage.

It is frightening! You will feel attacked and your sense of dignity will be violated.

10. Morality, ethics, and kindness are mere words.

Narcissists master these for their practicality, not for their propriety.

RELATED: 20 EXTREMELY Brutal Signs You're In Love With A Narcissist

11. Narcissists lie without concern for the truth because lies are useful for controlling and manipulating others.

When you catch them in a lie, they will say that it is you who is lying or wrong, or that you misunderstood. Prepare to be attacked and to receive counter-allegations.

12. If it seems that they can only talk about themselves, even at the oddest of times, it is not your imagination.

Narcissists can only talk about what they value most: themselves. That is their vacuous nature.

13. Narcissists will associate with individuals you would not trust to park your car because they attract those who see narcissism as something to value.

E.g., the power-hungry, the unscrupulous, profiteers, opportunists, and social predators.

Related Stories From YourTango:

If Your Child Is A Narcissist, You Probably Used This Bad Parenting Tactic

How To Stop Being A Narcissist

If You Answer Yes To These 15 Questions, You're On The Narcissistic Spectrum

14. Never expect the narcissist to admit to a mistake or to apologize.

Never! Blame is always outward toward you or others, never inward. Narcissists have no concept of self-awareness or introspection. But they are quick to see faults in others.

15. They expect you to forgive and forget and above all never to challenge them or make them look bad in public.

You must remember that they always want to be perfect in public. Don’t embarrass them or contradict them publicly, or you will pay the price.

16. Get used to losing sleep, feeling anxious, restless, less in control, becoming increasingly worried, perhaps even developing psychosomatic ailments.

That is what happens when you live with or associate with a narcissist. Those insecurities are your subconscious talking to you, telling you to escape.

17. Lacking both interest and true empathy in and for you, narcissists absolve themselves of that pesky social burden to care, leaving you deprived, empty, frustrated, or in pain.

18. They will be unwilling to acknowledge even the smallest thing that matters to you.

In doing so, they devalue you, leaving you feeling unfulfilled and empty.

19. You will learn to deal with their indifference in one of two ways: you will work harder to get their attention — with little reward to you because it won’t matter to the narcissist — or you will become resigned and empty psychologically because narcissists drain you, one indignity at a time.

20. You will be expected to be their cheerleader at all times, even when it is you who needs encouragement the most.

This is the sad, unvarnished truth about how a narcissist thinks, how they will behave, and how they will make you feel. I wish it were a better picture, but talk to the survivors of these personalities and they will tell you: it is that bad, it is that toxic. Why? Because, as Stuart C. Yudofsky explained in his book Fatal Flaws: Navigating Destructive Relationships With People With Disorders of Personality and Character, the truly narcissistic personality is “severely flawed of character.”

For those who ask, “What can I do?” Conventional wisdom advises seeing a trained professional for guidance. That is wise but not always available. In my experience, there is only one solution that works.

Distance yourself from these individuals as soon as you recognize them for what they are and as soon as it is practical. Get as far as you can from them and as your wounds heal, you will see your life change for the better and your dignity restored. As painful as distancing yourself may be, it is often the only way to make the hurting stop and to restore your own physical and mental well-being.

Curious about how to spot a narcissist? Check out the video below for the can't-miss signs:

More for You:

The 3 Things People Immediately Judge You On When You First Meet Them

5 Immediate Signs Of A Toxic, Passive-Aggressive Person

7 Unsexy Habits That Demolish Your Likeability

10 Little Habits That Make You IRRESISTIBLY Attractive

Joe Navarro, M.A. is a 25-year veteran of the FBI and is the author of the international bestseller, What Every Body is Saying, as well as Louder Than Words and Dangerous Personalities. Joe can be found on Twitter: @navarrotells or on Facebook.

This article was originally published at Psychology Today. Reprinted with permission from the author.

OCD Obsessive compulsive disorder . Hard on self and everyone else

 what if is said all the time

berates self and anyone and me if makes a mistake slips up forgets goofs 

Goes all out to get what he wants and best for self. Will not allow me or get me exactly what I want or do things with me I want to do

 comes up short. refuses to do anything with me that I like most of the time

if he does do anything with me he makes it a miserable horrible experience with his nasty hateful mean attitude then blames me and says i am being nasty

June 2023 He is drinking flavored rum and other small single serving bottles of liquor, usually rum sometimes whiskey

 at 2.39 per single serving at the liquor store

said bought at price chopper was more expensive

Expects top performance out of me during famine treatment majority of the time

Gives the least expects the most out of others.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Mirror is enemy

Boomerang their words they become violent

Expects perfection from others.. can't see self imperfections

i do all the work... you do nothing ......

hangs up phone if i say anything she disagrees with

i love you , i care about you ......while i kick your teeth in and punch you in the gut

i worry about you ....

 while i act like a bitch bastard to you run you off often

pushing you into dangerous places and positions because of my vicious attitude 

which makes you feel like i hate your fucking guts

the world is a terrible place full of treachery takers liars thieves...


steal things

out to get you

i don't want to .................... says frequently

 eat that food ...........i dont like the way it tastes

do that activity .. that i don't like

listen to that ... hear you say the truth

listen to you   .. i'd rather listen to world rot news fake shit fighting bs crap

be happy

be joyful

appreciate anything .... especially you or anything you do represent think  feel

read what you write .... at any time

watch any video tv show movie story that you suggest or like

think realize digest any moral to any story anywhere at any time

laughs when others fall and get hurt

 immature childish 

rages fits temper tantrums 

refuses to take responsiblity for self in nasty mocking ways ..will not tolerate being mocked will lash out in anger threaten to hit punch slap and has slapped fisted me in face and knocked me down more than once 

faithless, doubtful, skecptical says i can't believe all of the time even over things that actually happen


never plans fun things

enjoys takes pleasure in watching misery sadnesss of others .. i think he likes to hurt people and takes pleasure in seeing me down out depressed sad 

rips away any thing that makes me happy anything i like to do that is fun makes me feel good

a real miser scrooge grinch

says i will smash it if i find it .. referring to objects i like 

narrow minded blames smoking on every bad health issue and/or drinking alcohol ..cannot see any other substances or attitudes that cause mental emotional or phyical health problems 

mean cruel rotten vicious

rotten personality

hateful killer 

narrow minded 


hard working body and believes doing that is necessary to have money worshipped the most

calls other stupid and dumb ass and kids frequently

vain, cowardly, small minded, petty, 

once in a great while will show sympathy kindness tenderness towards an animal like a cat we have then turn around and say i dont want any cats they are nothing but a nuisance

flower smasher killer


not waiting for you to grow up (me)

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Calĺs other people cheapskates. Is one

Vicious psycho

Best for himself worst to me

 High quality choice self chosen items for self. Highest best expensive premium premo top of the line long lasting all the way.....regarding food drinks clothes tools auto automobile stereo electronics amps turntable speakers reel player tv television movie theaters shoes cleaning products solvents  metal detectors coins money music books tapes Cd compact disc streaming broadcast services like Pandora , hunting equipment, hobbies, magazines, books, trips, vacations

Purchases lavish items for self: whatever things they like value choose

Cheapest lowest for me. I am to do with the least have nothing fancy frilly premium expensive 

I am to operate minimally, simply, manually, with the least, ,,, plainly, lean, leanly, .i am to keep my mouth shut expect nothing, never call them out on this behavior or anything they do 

Video movie recording instead of

 Or wants to watch says will never go there or have that

Friday, June 2, 2023

expects immediate results what he wants. drivers on the road are cussed at called stupid constantly

 and anyone playing music he doesnt like he bitches about during whole time less than a minute of them playing their music in their own car

i wanted a fire pit he buys a flat iron grill that he wants will not get a pit

gives me money at times for groceries and i shop for what he wants thinks we need

buys himself something, a treat or whatever and not what i want

throws fit i wanted some ice cream !! when burger king was out of it

Eats without thinking : HABITUAL thoughtless mindless food cramming

 dessert right after meal random sweet snacks cakes cookies pie donuts bars ice cream

stands up with eating preparing food

sticks fingers in mouth licks fingers unconsciously keeps doing it transferring mouth germs onto containers and food will not listen to what i say about this nasty disgusting habit

ZERO Intimacy.



Spends lots of money on electronics

 stereo equipment, electronics, dvd players/recorders, headphones, televisions, reel players, car audio stereo, speakers,